I hit 100 posts, have I earned an av?


Really Really Experienced
Mar 17, 2002
And, if so, how do I go about it? I don't have a scanner, and my web cam is just a cheapie. Please help me out here, fellow Literoticans!
Do a search.

Find a pic that you like and resize it to 150x150.

I usually always make my own avs.
Yes. If you can't find the answers in the FAQ try the how to forum.

I did a google search on nefarious and came up with this....

It is even av sized.
Nefarious said:
And, if so, how do I go about it? I don't have a scanner, and my web cam is just a cheapie. Please help me out here, fellow Literoticans!

amazing what you can do with a cheap webcam and a little light.