I hereby dedicate myself


Head Fish
May 14, 2002
To Kitty. Whatever she wants, she gets I shall lay at her feet, prepared to jump into action at her slightest whim. Milady, I am yours to command.

You're cracking me up!

Are you sure your temp is back to normal? On heavy meds? Is it the sleep depirvation? :D
k¡tty said:

You're cracking me up!

Are you sure your temp is back to normal? On heavy meds? Is it the sleep depirvation? :D

one of that. Just a little fixation. Carry on.
k¡tty said:

You're cracking me up!

Are you sure your temp is back to normal? On heavy meds? Is it the sleep depirvation? :D


luscious lovable kitty in exquisite black high-tops standing on a pink marble floor with a carp flopping at her feet.

Wonderful image ithaqua.. now I'm ready to go do myself. :D

I think you're just adorable as all get out carp. :kiss:
Johnny Mayberry said:
See, Kitty, I told you that you had a grouper!

Hey buddy, that's Carp, not Grouper!!!
Kitty, wha't up- no commands? Unfortunatly, now I must do some actual work for a little while:(
Carp said:
Hey buddy, that's Carp, not Grouper!!!
Kitty, wha't up- no commands? Unfortunatly, now I must do some actual work for a little while:(

Dang I'm already losing my admirer as soon as I get one!

I am here to serve you milady...

*collapses in a heap*
Oscuridad said:

I am here to serve you milady...

*collapses in a heap*

Many hands make light work. Since I have just flippers, I guess you'll be doing the heavy lifting!!!

Hey O!!!
Carp said:
Many hands make light work. Since I have just flippers, I guess you'll be doing the heavy lifting!!!

Hey O!!!

Carp! My brother in Minesotan-ness!

I have been maimed on the field of battle... and come hither to spend my last moments... gazing into the beautiful eyes of Kitty.

Oscuridad said:
Carp! My brother in Minesotan-ness!

I have been maimed on the field of battle... and come hither to spend my last moments... gazing into the beautiful eyes of Kitty.


My God man, what has happened???

I'll get Kitty to administer Mouth to Mouth. That should rouse the dead!!!

smoochies on your booboo's O :D

You know I lust yer flippers Carp. ;-)

*sigh* I have to run now, just saw the time.
Carp said:
My God man, what has happened???

I'll get Kitty to administer Mouth to Mouth. That should rouse the dead!!!

I started an issue thread and got thoroughly trodden.
If youre gonna try something like that you HAVE to prepare yourself.

I'm thinking on meditating for a week and doing research next time.
k¡tty said:

smoochies on your booboo's O :D

You know I lust yer flippers Carp. ;-)

*sigh* I have to run now, just saw the time.


Gone already?
Oscuridad said:

Gone already?

Now I am.

Have a fantastic day sweetie..

Carp as much as I love seeing you I'm hoping that if I get on late tonight you'll not be here. Instead in bed sould asleep like you need.

:kiss: 's to both of you.
Oscuridad said:
So I guess the mouth to mouth is out then.
It's looking that way, tough luck. I started reading your owardice thread. (Actually, was in the middle of your initial post). My. You do like to live dangerously.

I am very opposed to handguns, but have of late found myself conidering getting one- I find myself in need of some protection. I'll probably hire security instead- less lielyhood of shooting myself that way :). But I am seeing a glimpse of the thought process that would get one to own a firearm. I still don;t think I support it, though.
Carp said:
It's looking that way, tough luck. I started reading your owardice thread. (Actually, was in the middle of your initial post). My. You do like to live dangerously.

I am very opposed to handguns, but have of late found myself conidering getting one- I find myself in need of some protection. I'll probably hire security instead- less lielyhood of shooting myself that way :). But I am seeing a glimpse of the thought process that would get one to own a firearm. I still don;t think I support it, though.

I refuse to comment on the matter further in case Never is lurking nearby. :eek: