I haven't type a word for almost a month...


.-- - ..-.
Jun 15, 2006
I haven't been feeling good for about two months now. Went to the doctor and a chest x-ray started a series of appointments. It would seem that I have pneumonia. A mild case as my fever never get above 100. But, I now wonder how I could have contracted it as I have been VACCINATED against pneumonia. Is this another case of Big Pharma bullshitting the public? Or some other problem that they haven't let us know about? Or is it just like the COVID bullshit where you can still contract the virus but your symptoms will be less? I never believed that bullshit. Especially when they said that when someone died! "Well, he was lucky he had been vaccinated or it could have been much, much, worse." He's dead, there's nothing worse than dead.

Well, anywho, I see my pulmonologist on Monday.
Ask your doctor for information on this--and a second doctor if you then still have concerns you display here. Follow up on how you couch it here really should be posted to the Political Board.
Sadly, the vaccine only protects against the various strains of bacterial pneumonia. Viral pneumonia is a thing, as well. Good luck.
Sadly, the vaccine only protects against the various strains of bacterial pneumonia. Viral pneumonia is a thing, as well. Good luck.
And that's what I have Bacterial Pneumonia, with an elevated white count, it's bacterial.
Zeb, I feel for you. I had pneumonia a few years ago and it wasn't a lot of fun. I still have the after effects.

As for vaccines, they are insurance, not a guarantee.
I was in the hospital for a week once with pneumonia. It was years ago and I still cringe at the memory of the pain.

Writing was certainly the furthest thing from my mind.
Zeb, what strain of pneumonia do you have? Would like to know since I got the vax as well. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh yeah, that's no fun. No wonder you haven't been feeling great. Big hug.
Sorry you are feeling so bad, and hope you get well soon. But yeah, vaccines are never a guarantee, they just shift the odds somewhat in your favor. NOTHING in life is a guarantee. Seat belts can't guarantee that you won't be killed in your car, but they are still a good idea.
A quick look at current info on the "popular" vaccine surprised me, but it shouldn't've. The heavily-advertised Prevnar-13 is now Prevnar-20, the number representing the number of bacterial strains it protects against. So by that alone we can infer there were seven pneumococcal strains not covered by the first version. Bummer.

And, yes, absolutely, the vaccine - any vaccine - isn't perfect. Something happened when my wife received Prevnar-13 five years ago - it apparently resulted in a partial loss of motion in the injection arm, a condition known as "frozen shoulder". There was nothing in the literature mentioning musculoskeletal issues, but she suffered with it for a year and that was with physical therapy. It could have been total coincidence, but the timing of the onset sure did suggest cause/effect.

Zeb, good luck with it. Hope you recover soon.
Yeah, Big Pharma and most huge corporations don't care about anything but profits. BUT! But unless everyone took the Vaccine then stayed away from each other for a month (Didn't we try something like that once?) to make sure it kicked in the damn stuff is going to mutate. Same thing that will give me my powers to make my mind and skin impervious to trolls when I start publishing back in LW category makes vaccines like this a gamble.

Here is my analogy that I'll keep to the "happiest" version of the scenario. If you have some guns and somebody breaks into your house, they catch you unawares, make you sit on the couch, and steal all your stuff. Do you scream at Remington? Or Colt? Or Glock? Say they are just out for profits and nothing else? Because their product didn't protect you, your home, and your assets like they imply that it will? No, probably not. Chances are the vaccine will protect you. Chances are the gun(s) will protect you. But... Chances are they won't.

Anyways, hope you feel better. A Co-worker had Walking Pneumonia once, was coming into work before he knew what it was, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I still remember the look on his face after he had a really bad coughing fit. Haunted, like he really thought he was going to die. Me and another guy just stood there (like six feet away because we didn't want to get close to a guy having a sickness caused coughing fit) wondering what we could do, our faces probably didn't help him in that moment, as we no doubt looked like people watching somebody young and otherwise healthy die. Luckily a manager came along right at the end and sent the guy home, forced him to go to a doctor where he got some medicine that helped him, wasn't instant but he said his coughing got less scary.
A Co-worker had Walking Pneumonia once, was coming into work before he knew what it was, and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I still remember the look on his face after he had a really bad coughing fit.

Yeah, I had the walking pneumonia thing 40 years ago. BIG problem at the time is I was trying to break into the trade as a professional musician. On tuba. Tuba and pneumonia are not a happy mix. I played a paying gig with horn in one hand and a handkerchief in the other to muffle my cough. I played every note just fine, but I am certain the concert recording was useless.
Trump. Biden. Republican. Democrat.


Let’s get this moved where it belongs.
Disinformation. Ignorance. Conspiracy theories. QAnon.

Science. MD. PhD. Peer review.

To be purely consistent, shouldn’t people who don’t believe in vaccines also choose not to see doctors and refuse to go to hospitals? I don’t get that part.
Zeb, what strain of pneumonia do you have? Would like to know since I got the vax as well. Hope you feel better soon.
Strain? I have the kind that there is fluid in one of my lungs, and I have a fever of 99.1, but only at night. Go figure. I don't think they did that test, just a white blood count which was sky high. Thank you.
Oh yeah, that's no fun. No wonder you haven't been feeling great. Big hug.
Thank sweetheart.
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Zeb, I feel for you. I had pneumonia a few years ago and it wasn't a lot of fun. I still have the after effects.

As for vaccines, they are insurance, not a guarantee.

Sorry you are feeling so bad, and hope you get well soon. But yeah, vaccines are never a guarantee, they just shift the odds somewhat in your favor. NOTHING in life is a guarantee. Seat belts can't guarantee that you won't be killed in your car, but they are still a good idea.
Funny. As a child I was vaccinated against Polio and Smallpox, guess what? I didn't contract either. And I was exposed to Polio. The girl down the street got a mild case. She hung out with us all the time. Didn't catch it.
To be purely consistent, shouldn’t people who don’t believe in vaccines also choose not to see doctors and refuse to go to hospitals? I don’t get that part.
Yeah, I'm not a Mormon. Gee, I got the vaccine a lot of good it did. And I'm old, so why not go to the doctor. I also research the vaccines the doctor thinks I should take and if the side effects or the possibility of death is higher than the disease itself, why would I get vaccinated? I have had a lot of vaccines over the years and I have never gotten the disease they protected me from.

Definition of Vaccine...

any preventive preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease, using either messenger RNA or killed or weakened bacteria or viruses to prepare the body to recognize a disease and produce antibodies.


What does vaccine mean?

A vaccine is a substance introduced into someone’s body to prevent them from getting a specific disease. It usually consists of a small amount of a killed, weakened, or otherwise modified version of a disease (such as a virus or bacterium).
Vaccines work by allowing your immune system to develop defenses against that disease, called antibodies, so they can destroy it if it ever enters your body again.
Common vaccines include ones for strains of the flu, polio, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, chickenpox, measles, mumps, and rubella. There are many others.
Example: The polio vaccine has saved millions of people.

It seems to have changed a lot over the years. Back when I read it last we didn't even know what the fuck RNA was. The above is the definition I remember. And I have had all those mentioned, except Hep A and B and chickenpox, measles, and mumps (these last three I had a natural immunity as I had each as a child).

It would seem to me that the messenger RNA is the culprit that isn't working. And the vaccine doesn't seem to stimulate my immune system to produce antibodies. I have had two courses of Anti-bacterials and nothing. It would seem my white blood cells are the only thing working to fight the infection.
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Get well soon Zeb x
I wish to God vaccines gave a hundred percent guarantee you were protected, alas they do not and never have. They are, however, the best protection we have.
I haven't been feeling good for about two months now. Went to the doctor and a chest x-ray started a series of appointments. It would seem that I have pneumonia. A mild case as my fever never get above 100. But, I now wonder how I could have contracted it as I have been VACCINATED against pneumonia. Is this another case of Big Pharma bullshitting the public? Or some other problem that they haven't let us know about? Or is it just like the COVID bullshit where you can still contract the virus but your symptoms will be less? I never believed that bullshit. Especially when they said that when someone died! "Well, he was lucky he had been vaccinated or it could have been much, much, worse." He's dead, there's nothing worse than dead.

Well, anywho, I see my pulmonologist on Monday.
Definition of Vaccine...

any preventive preparation used to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific disease, using either messenger RNA or killed or weakened bacteria or viruses to prepare the body to recognize a disease and produce antibodies.

It seems to have changed a lot over the years. Back when I read it last we didn't even know what the fuck RNA was.

It would seem to me that the messenger RNA is the culprit that isn't working. And the vaccine doesn't seem to stimulate my immune system to produce antibodies. I have had two courses of Anti-bacterials and nothing. It would seem my white blood cells are the only thing working to fight the infection.
You're mixing up vaccines like they're all the same. Pneumonia vaccine isn't based on RNA at all.

It does offer limited protection to older people compared to conjugated Vax, but better for less side effects x
You're mixing up vaccines like they're all the same. Pneumonia vaccine isn't based on RNA at all.

It does offer limited protection to older people compared to conjugated Vax, but better for less side effects x
And I never said it did or was based on RNA.

Vaccines are all the same. They are created and used to prevent the vaccinated from contracting the disease they are made for. At least they were when I was young. Now, not so much.
Best wishes, Zeb. I hope you're on the road to recovery and feeling better soon.

I haven't typed a word (or edited much of a story for a friend) in almost a month either but it's because I'm so swamped with my day job and just don't have time. As much as I don't care for the stress, it's much better than having trouble breathing.
Agreeing with you and wishing you well are two different things.

I most definitely wish you well and a speedy recovery.
Goodness! When I read the title of the post I was anticipating a writers block of a different sort. Please, take care of yourself! Best wishes! Brings to mind another writer who posted health issues recently - Sirhugs? Hope all is well.
Zeb, hope that you're feeling better. A couple of friends and family here in Aus have been through strains of pneumonia. Never pleasant, the thoughts and prayers of the Other clan are with you. I hope that in your downtime, you get some inspiration for some new stories.

Get well soon, and do take care of yourself!