I have two questions to ask.


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
I'm going to pose the first one now. I'll pose the second later today.

Here is question #1:

Is there any difference between killing a man with a sword and killing him with a club?

Have at it.
Hmm.. The end effect is the same so from that perspective I'd say "No." - it's still killing someone.

The manner in which the killing is done might be a clue into the level of barbarity held by the killer though. IMO, most people would coinsider beating someone to death with a club to be cruel and inhumane where a sword might be considered a quick death (more humane? Is that possible?). Of course, even with a club, the person could be killed with a single blow.
I agree...the end result is the same...

with a club, it basically relies on the amount of force used. Use a little force, it could be a torturous death. Slow...painful...but that depends on if they lose consciousness.

sword, there is gonna be a lot of blood. And yes, I agree that it would be quicker...unless its just one little stab wound and you want them to slowly bleed to death...
Well it was once thought that killing a man with a sword was considered to be more "civilized" than using a club...

of course what many realize is that its still killing no matter how you slice it....(hehe)
shit...i can hardly wait for question #2

but if it were me, i'd rather the club...less blood and more likely to knock me out first. I'd rather not see my guts spilled on the floor before i go...

It's only a flesh wound, I've had worse!
I think there is.

You are more likely to kill with a single stroke of a sword than you would be a single swing of a club. One act can be a momentary fit of passion, rage, etc., while repeated blows would imply more of a predeterimed mind set or even insanity.

Even in murder trials today, we are less appalled by a single gunshot than we are repeated stabbings.
I would say no there is no difference but the intent would be interesting in both cases since most weapons of choice now a days is a gun.
One's a little more messy than the other...unless there is a nail sticking out of the club.
Killed by a sword, signifies more premeditation on the part of the perpetrator. What other reason would be there for carrying a sword around?
Killed by a club, sounds more like the pepetrator snatched up the nearest, available, blunt instument.
The difference is in blood spilled and the injury. Pain may also be a difference. The amount of force needed to be used would be a likely difference. I haven't tried either method, as the killer or killee, so I am not sure which is worse.

The end result being the same does not mean there is no difference. There are plenty of differences.
Myrrdin said:
Killed by a sword, signifies more premeditation on the part of the perpetrator. What other reason would be there for carrying a sword around?

Excellent point, but what if the sword isn't being carried around? For example, I have several swords in my house (all sharp). Should I come home, catch my husband doing something he shouldn't and run him through on the spot, it wouldn't be premeditated.

To club him to death, I'd have to go downstairs, to the garage, and find something.
The club messes up the head and then you do not have the impact dragging it through the village by the hair. The club does not refect the moonlight in same as a sword for those very cool 70's blacklight posters.

There is a place and time for each. Choose your battles carefully.
Grinding and crushing of bone vs. Slicing of cartiledge and expulsion of arterial fluids. They're both pretty messy, and, in the end, someone's dead.

They're both effective. Not that I would know from experience.

When ever I go out with my sniper rifle, I avoid shooting the men carring swords. When they hit the ground they make a loud clattering noise. It is much more preferable to shoot the men with clubs. The wood lands with a more pleasant and mutted sound.
OK - I'm going to pose question two in about a 1/2 hour... last chance to get your 2 cents in on question one.
Dillinger said:
I'm going to pose the first one now. I'll pose the second later today.

Here is question #1:

Is there any difference between killing a man with a sword and killing him with a club?

Have at it.

honestly i think that in a court today you would get more time in prison if you killed someone with a club. like, a couple blows with the club and you're pretty sure you're hurting the person...one blow with a sword could kill someone if you knew what you were doing.

btw i have been planning to buy my boyfriend a sword for christmas (don't tell him) so if you hear about a young redheaded lady decapitated in the willamette valley, i want you to point the squirrel out as a suspect.

I distinguish my weapons between Melee and ranged... Guns are ranged weapons... distance killers. It's impersonal, and you don't get as much gut reaction as if you bashed someones head in with a clib, or disembowled them with a sword. It's more personal that way, and in my opinion... more honorable.. It gives the person a fighting chance.
There is a huge difference in the two on many levels. Philosophical, moral, meditative, physical, intent, motive, means, blah blah blah. Someone please club me.
As promised. Go ahead and take a good look at your answer(s) to the first question. If you haven't answered it already, go ahead and do so before reading this. Ready? Here goes:

Is there any difference between killing a man with a sword and killing him with a system of economics?

OK - have at it. And do try and be consistent with your logic... *grin*
How do you kill a man with economics...

Well... I did have a wicked teacher in 12th grade... but I don't think that counts
Wow, people really do put a lot of thought into killing other people around here, don't they?

I wonder what would have happened if we conducted the "Jim has bitch tits" thread in a sealed auditorium...full of swords and clubs.
Dillinger said:
As promised. Go ahead and take a good look at your answer(s) to the first question. If you haven't answered it already, go ahead and do so before reading this. Ready? Here goes:

Is there any difference between killing a man with a sword and killing him with a system of economics?

OK - have at it. And do try and be consistent with your logic... *grin*


The problem with this question (as I see it) is that sooner or later REDWAVE is going to see it, and then guess what happens?

We get 15 more pages of his own personal Communist Manifesto, and like my mom says about a bad headcold "Who the fuck needs that?".
A sword is still more efficient.

A system of economics, even if configured with murderous intent, will only kill the weak or unresourceful.

One cuts off the head, the caves it in. Depending on your effectiveness with the weapons, it's still about 5 min of pain each.
You still get the satisfaction of seeing your opponent's eyes dull, and the bubbles stop, as they slip away for the big dirt nap! :D