I have just been browing Hann's other forum


a long way up
Apr 17, 2002
It was moderatley interesting

There are a few people you would recognise and there is even a picture of Hann's wedding - ( not sure if it is gen though)

It more or less confirms he is some pimply youth with a lot of time on his hands

Hell there is even a juicylips and an Intrigued there ( not sure if they are one and the same )

here is link if anyone is interested - it has been posted before

sorry not sure what is wrong

maybe just copy and paste link straight into browser ?
I think that we can learn at least two things from this:

Hanns is Hanns and not an alias of another Litster.
Hanns' leave from his military service has been quite lengthy.
Shit I am in it now

Cant see why you cant all get in - didnt need to register

and to answer your question Mishka - no nothing that intersting

a few known recent listers are there etc - but as Raw said Hanns has been there a while
Actually, I started a thread on that forum once upon a time, and posted a link to it on Lit. Then their forum went down for a while.

The link worked for me, btw.
JerseyBoy said:
looks like you need to be registered...
No regisration needed. You just type whatever the nick, and post.
There seem to be Hanns and Fecker's love nest.
So. Hanns has been cheating on us. Bastard! That evil genius bastard! I'm going to leave him one day, I swear it. But, you see, he needs me so. "Can't help, lovin' that Hanns of mine..."
Dixon Carter Lee said:
So. Hanns has been cheating on us. Bastard! That evil genius bastard! I'm going to leave him one day, I swear it. But, you see, he needs me so. "Can't help, lovin' that Hanns of mine..."

Well, there's a http://4later.tk/ website, but the forum link leads to the same "Sorry - connection refused" message.

I suppose Hanns convinced the admins to ban certain Lit posters. On second thought, Hanns couldn't convince fish to swim.
oh thats funny~the link worked for me when you first posted it and now it doesn't.


from what i saw they don't like him much over there either...ugly looking forum. the only post i read was someone joking about hanns talking to himself again.

guess the boy never heard of mastubation.
If it should chance to be, we should see, some harder days, empty larder days, why grouse? There's always the chance there'll be somebody to foot the bill, then the drinks are on the house.
it appears to be working again.

for those who can't see heres what some of hanss' fellow board members had to say about him...

Hanns Your family history
posted by Boneshaker on 17:02 7/12/2002

what your family history. do your parents still exist? explains why you always go on about other peoples dead relatives you fucking troll. I bet you killed them with your gun, accidentally, could be why your a cripple when you shot yourself in the leg because you can't handle a gun properly yo fucking spazz.


What can I get hanns with
posted by Fecker on 17:35 7/12/2002

i'll steal that great bit of info I got when licking Bigies arse

Call him fat! yeah then say he lives with his parents, that will really get the cunt right to the core


so apparantly hanns is really fat and has worse aim than a schoolgirl with a water pistol.
So, basically, he's as effective over there as he is over here. I wonder if that carries over into his personal life, too?

Yeah. Pretty sure it does.
well i am just as bad for snooping over there but theres a lot of deleted info where topics about him are concerned...somebody wants thier privacy remained intact...
