so i have been looking for this story for months! i remember some details but others not so much. i would classify it as fantasy and it's about these 2 kingdoms that collide. the one kingdom is blonde haired and blue eyed while the other is olive toned with dark hair. so the kingdoms go to war because the blonde prince (bad guy) stole the other kingdoms princess. He treats her very badly and the other kingdoms prince (the kidnapped princesses brother) goes to war to rescue her. When they are overtaken, the blonde princess pretends to be a commoner and is taken to the other kingdom's king's tent. they end up getting it on and being together and there's this whole thing where her father and brother are evil and there's this white lion war goddess called chava or something. I'm pretty sure the blonde princesses name starts with a "J" I am going nuts trying to find this, please help! other random details include the blonde princesses brother being gay so his father and brother banish him to some place where theyre going to castrate and torture him, the author created a few other series based on this universe- one of which a girl kills the white lion goddess and becomes an oracle of some sort, another based on the brother. any help is greatly appreciated!