I Have A New Baby

lavender said:
I have spent two years away from my first baby, my little puppy. I haven't had anything to nurture or try to keep alive and loved. Today, I received a plant. :)

I do not have a green thumb and am fearful that my plant will not survive. This plant is my new baby - the living thing that I own. :)

I'm so excited. I have it sitting in my bedroom windowsill right now.

My plant seems to be in better spirits when I play Frank Sinatra tunes to it. This happens quite often in my apartment.
Good luck hun. I miss my puppy too and now have about 13 plants or so around the house not to mention my herbs and flower garden. Plants can get addictive.
I'm great with gardens, but the second I bring anything inside it starts to whither. I don't understand, I have great light.

It's all very sad.
<obscure quote>
Mathilda, I'm glad you don't have a stomach ache any more. I don't think it means anything.
</obscure quote>
lavender said:
Does the concept "bright, indirect light" mean that it will do well in my windowsill with my blinds open?
maybe if your going to cut dry and smoke it, but in this case, I am pretty sure that will kill it. Too much heat sitting right there. Maybe sitting it far back from the window yet still where it can get sunlight would be better.
i can only deal with looking after one plant at a time its pretty hard work sometimes :)

what sort of plant is it by the way ? ... its a good idea to get some sort of plant food liquid then you can reward it when its been good or if you have neglected it (thats what i do :))
Keeping a plant alive and healthy and happy is an excellent meditation. Its not so much about talking to it, or playing music, or any of those things. Its about caring - in whatever form that takes for you and your plant.
Sage advice from Mr. Dillinger.

It may be too much light on your windowsill. If it gets droopy or the leaves start turning brown, move it. Water her occasionally and talk to her in the morning and she'll do just fine.
We are all plants.... in a way.

If it were not for the sun we would be dead.
We all need our space to grow.
A good diet never hurts.

Fertilzer helps.

Congratulations on your new pet, Lav. :)

I water my house plants once a week and fertilize with Miracle Grow every other week. Make sure you transplant it when it gets too big for it's container and move it around to different locations if it starts looking bad. Might need more light.

I don't talk to mine.

They're lucky I give them food, water and light.
I hope you have more of a green thumb than I do. I have a plant that I got as a gift and almost killed in my office. A woman who works for me stole it to get it back to life. Now I'm only "allowed" to have it in my office when it is blooming. I can't kill it in such a short period of time.

I'm not a plant person, can you tell?