I hate it!


Polymorphous Perverse
Apr 9, 2002
I drank one hard cider about an hour ago, and now I've got a headache. I drank it because I was thirsty, and there was nothing else to drink in the fridge. Of course, it dehydrated me even more, and now I feel like crap. Yes, I know I should drink water, and should have been the whole time, but the water at my house tastes bad. Now. The question is: Do I walk to the store for bottled water so I can make myself feel better (it's still dark out, and kind of scary in my neighborhood) or do I choke down enough gulps of tap-water to get 2 Motrins down and put myself to bed?
Could you boil the water? Wait for it to cool and put lemon and honey in it?
superlittlegirl said:
I drank one hard cider about an hour ago, and now I've got a headache. I drank it because I was thirsty, and there was nothing else to drink in the fridge. Of course, it dehydrated me even more, and now I feel like crap. Yes, I know I should drink water, and should have been the whole time, but the water at my house tastes bad. Now. The question is: Do I walk to the store for bottled water so I can make myself feel better (it's still dark out, and kind of scary in my neighborhood) or do I choke down enough gulps of tap-water to get 2 Motrins down and put myself to bed?

About 36 oz of water will do the trick. And I would be a bit leary of going out, sad to say. Choke the house water down (invest in a Brita Filtering Pitcher...they work!) with the Motrin and get yourself to bed.

Sleep well.....and dream of large hairy men.

Sorry...I don't know why I said that last bit...... :D
get one of those filtered pitchers. it may not help tonight, but it will in the future.

as for right now, just choke down the tap water and chase it with something that tastes good.
debbiexxx said:
Could you boil the water? Wait for it to cool and put lemon and honey in it?

Ooh! Great idea! I'm going to modify it a bit by pouring the boiled water over Sleepytime Tea (the one with the hibernating teddy-bears on the package) and have some honey in it. Yum.

You saved the day!
I do have a Brita Pitcher! I forgot all about it. But there it is, in the back of my fridge, empty and dry as a bone. I'm going to fill it up and have yummy water tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me!
superlittlegirl said:
I do have a Brita Pitcher! I forgot all about it. But there it is, in the back of my fridge, empty and dry as a bone. I'm going to fill it up and have yummy water tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me!

Gotta LOVE the Brita! Takes the nasty chlorine taste right out of our lovely LA water...... :)

Feel better, SLG...... :)
superlittlegirl said:
Ooh! Great idea! I'm going to modify it a bit by pouring the boiled water over Sleepytime Tea (the one with the hibernating teddy-bears on the package) and have some honey in it. Yum.

You saved the day!

You are very welcome.
Hope the headache eases quickly. :)
Close your eyes, and run really fast into a brick wall. That ususally works for me. You'll wake up feeling better with a bump on your forehead.
superlittlegirl said:
I do have a Brita Pitcher! I forgot all about it. But there it is, in the back of my fridge, empty and dry as a bone. I'm going to fill it up and have yummy water tomorrow. Thanks for reminding me!

Further reminders on Britta pitchers. 1) refrigerate . 2) Change the filter as per directions.

The reason is to reduce & prevent bacterial growth in the thing. If you fail to do so, at some point, they become an accumlator for contaminents , rather than a remover.