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First, I am going to show the article that this particular letter to the editor is in response to then I will show the letter itself. I can't link to this article because my university's paper only keeps the current days paper. I also plan to invite the person who wrote this letter to the editor to Lit and don't want to have his real name seen.
I had to manualy copy this from the hard copy of the newspaper since it is no longer avaliable online. All typos are my doing.
Bible urges tolerance, scholar says
The rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig presented views on the Bible's interpretation of homosexuality last night in McBryde Hall. Koenig is the national organizer for the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, a group working to make homosexuality more widely accepted in the Presbyterian Church.
The question that persists in the church is whether or not homosexuality can be a part of a Christian lifestyle, Koenig said. Contraty to the beliefs of many high-profile religious figures such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, Koenig said she believes the church ought to encourage long-terms comitted relationships for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
"I don't believe scripture condemns the topic we are dealing with,"she said. The negative views of prominent church officials like Falwell and Robertson are detrimental to the Convent Network's cause, Koneig said. "The presumption that homosexuality behavior is always wrong does extreme damage,"she said.
The way homosexuality is percevied in society is often very negative because people often fear what they do not understand, she said. Churches in other parts of the world, particularly in Western Europe, have made many advancements in accepting homosexuals into the church.
Many Audience members said Koenig's presentation provided a refreshing perspective on the controversial issue of homosexuality and Christanity. "It was certainly and interesting talk and I learned a lot about biblical perspectives and points of view that we may not hear everyday," said Rivers Lamba a senior areospace engineering major.
However, others believed that Koenig's arguments were incomplete and did not covera all of the spirtiual doctrines concerning homosexuality. "She talked about love but not the holiness," said Laura Carter Childress, a junior human services major. Koneig also said the Bible contains many lawas and codes, includings those about homosexuality, which may not be valid today.
Here is the letter to the editor.
Church should not be tolerant of homosexuals
There are a few things in the Bible that urge against homosexuality, or even sin in general, that need to get brought up. Romans 1:25-27 says: “(They) exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.
For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men
committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”
Now, the Church needs to be mindful that sin is sin and everyone on earth is a sinner (Romans 3:23). It’s not our job to judge people, but it is our job — our calling — to teach people the truth.
The Church should open its doors to all people since we are all sinners, but once that person comes in the door we cannot accept the fact that he or she is not willing to give up their sin to live for God. That’s against everything the Bible teaches. Sin is simply not doing the will of God.
Jesus came to earth to save us because we do sin, we do “fall short of the glory of God.” We will never be perfect, without sin — that is what the grace of God is for. This does not, however,
encourage us to sin because the grace is there (Romans 6).
This is how the Church needs to view sin, which includes the topic at hand of homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says: “Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor
sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”
To put it all in context, when it says “homosexuals,” it is referring to those who submit to, or tolerate, homosexuals; the word “sodomite” refers to male homosexuals. I think it’s clear from this verse that we should not tolerate Christians who are homosexual (just like we shouldn’t tolerate any kind of sin within the Church).
If you are not Christian and you are homosexual (sinner), the church does accept you. You have the opportunity to become a child of God. But once you become a Christian, you are a new
creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), which means that you in your life. Grace covers everything, but our faith in Christ is shown by our good works. The Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is not
a “good work” of God. Homosexuality is sexual immorality.
It is not normal by any standard. If you are a Christian and think that it is okay that you’re still a homosexual, I would start to question your faith. Christians should hate sin. It’s time that Christians have the courage to stick up for God and His word; we aren’t trying to please people, we’re pleasing God. Truth can hurt, but I’m not going to make it wishwashy just to please people.
I had to manualy copy this from the hard copy of the newspaper since it is no longer avaliable online. All typos are my doing.
Bible urges tolerance, scholar says
The rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig presented views on the Bible's interpretation of homosexuality last night in McBryde Hall. Koenig is the national organizer for the Covenant Network of Presbyterians, a group working to make homosexuality more widely accepted in the Presbyterian Church.
The question that persists in the church is whether or not homosexuality can be a part of a Christian lifestyle, Koenig said. Contraty to the beliefs of many high-profile religious figures such as Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, Koenig said she believes the church ought to encourage long-terms comitted relationships for everyone, regardless of sexual orientation.
"I don't believe scripture condemns the topic we are dealing with,"she said. The negative views of prominent church officials like Falwell and Robertson are detrimental to the Convent Network's cause, Koneig said. "The presumption that homosexuality behavior is always wrong does extreme damage,"she said.
The way homosexuality is percevied in society is often very negative because people often fear what they do not understand, she said. Churches in other parts of the world, particularly in Western Europe, have made many advancements in accepting homosexuals into the church.
Many Audience members said Koenig's presentation provided a refreshing perspective on the controversial issue of homosexuality and Christanity. "It was certainly and interesting talk and I learned a lot about biblical perspectives and points of view that we may not hear everyday," said Rivers Lamba a senior areospace engineering major.
However, others believed that Koenig's arguments were incomplete and did not covera all of the spirtiual doctrines concerning homosexuality. "She talked about love but not the holiness," said Laura Carter Childress, a junior human services major. Koneig also said the Bible contains many lawas and codes, includings those about homosexuality, which may not be valid today.
Here is the letter to the editor.
Church should not be tolerant of homosexuals
There are a few things in the Bible that urge against homosexuality, or even sin in general, that need to get brought up. Romans 1:25-27 says: “(They) exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them up to vile passions.
For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men
committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.”
Now, the Church needs to be mindful that sin is sin and everyone on earth is a sinner (Romans 3:23). It’s not our job to judge people, but it is our job — our calling — to teach people the truth.
The Church should open its doors to all people since we are all sinners, but once that person comes in the door we cannot accept the fact that he or she is not willing to give up their sin to live for God. That’s against everything the Bible teaches. Sin is simply not doing the will of God.
Jesus came to earth to save us because we do sin, we do “fall short of the glory of God.” We will never be perfect, without sin — that is what the grace of God is for. This does not, however,
encourage us to sin because the grace is there (Romans 6).
This is how the Church needs to view sin, which includes the topic at hand of homosexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 says: “Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor
sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.”
To put it all in context, when it says “homosexuals,” it is referring to those who submit to, or tolerate, homosexuals; the word “sodomite” refers to male homosexuals. I think it’s clear from this verse that we should not tolerate Christians who are homosexual (just like we shouldn’t tolerate any kind of sin within the Church).
If you are not Christian and you are homosexual (sinner), the church does accept you. You have the opportunity to become a child of God. But once you become a Christian, you are a new
creation (2 Corinthians 5:17), which means that you in your life. Grace covers everything, but our faith in Christ is shown by our good works. The Bible makes it clear that homosexuality is not
a “good work” of God. Homosexuality is sexual immorality.
It is not normal by any standard. If you are a Christian and think that it is okay that you’re still a homosexual, I would start to question your faith. Christians should hate sin. It’s time that Christians have the courage to stick up for God and His word; we aren’t trying to please people, we’re pleasing God. Truth can hurt, but I’m not going to make it wishwashy just to please people.
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