I had the best first date of my life last night........


Really Really Experienced
Jul 18, 2001
and I didn't even get laid!

Anyone else have a great weekend???
For the first time in like oh, forever, I had a totally great weekend! I went to a sci-fi/fantasy convention (yes I am a geek!) and not only got to see some people I have not seen in a couple of years, get to drink some really interesting alcoholic concotions, and get dressed up real sexy, but I ran into a guy I knew in college who I had a bit of a thing with and discovered a few things I did not know and that shocked the bejesus out of me. I can't believe he's still interested after all these years! We ended up talking for 3 hours and are going to keep in touch.
Well, I guess I am the only one of the entire Lit crew to have had a good weekend......SCORE ONE FOR ME!:)
Ladyhawke said:
For the first time in like oh, forever, I had a totally great weekend! I went to a sci-fi/fantasy convention (yes I am a geek!) and not only got to see some people I have not seen in a couple of years, get to drink some really interesting alcoholic concotions, and get dressed up real sexy, but I ran into a guy I knew in college who I had a bit of a thing with and discovered a few things I did not know and that shocked the bejesus out of me. I can't believe he's still interested after all these years! We ended up talking for 3 hours and are going to keep in touch.

I guess I shot my mouth off too early!!!!
Glad you had fun!
Congrats on having a great date!

My weekend was just a boring one.
Oh well.
Devilish1 said:
Congrats on having a great date!

My weekend was just a boring one.
Oh well.

you'll knock em dead next weekend;)
my 2 cents worth

congrats on the good date! its always good!

i had my University Homecoming this past weekend and had a great time...didn't even get drunk, and even found a bar where our group could sit down and talk...imagine that, talking at a bar! at least where i went to college its hard not to find a bar where the damn music is too loud...shit, i just realized i am getting old! ok, gotta go turn the tunes up, just to spite myself!

so that's what i have to say...

My weekend was crap, but this week is going to be good. Rock on, Zephan!! Details!
Re: my 2 cents worth

SnowMedic said:
congrats on the good date! its always good!

i had my University Homecoming this past weekend and had a great time...didn't even get drunk, and even found a bar where our group could sit down and talk...imagine that, talking at a bar! at least where i went to college its hard not to find a bar where the damn music is too loud...shit, i just realized i am getting old! ok, gotta go turn the tunes up, just to spite myself!

so that's what i have to say...


I am glad someone finally had a good time at a reunion. Your the guy that should have started a thread!

yeah it was weird...this is the first year i actually had fun! i was in a Fraternity and am part of the Fraternities Alumni Association Board of Directors and we have our obligatory meetings. But this time, after word we had a bunch of the young guys (the undergraduates) out with us and they had meaningful conversations and things to say, not in a completely intoxicated state...well at least until after midnight when they left. but it was good till then. it felt good that they hung out with the "Vintage Members" as they like to call us graduates...little bastards!

wow, am i full of hot air tonite? i must be starved for human attention right now! LOL

My weekend kicked ass. I didn't do a stitch of schoolwork, had loads of sex, ate at several of my favorite retaurants, and basked in the great weather. I even went shopping - bought a killer pair of shades and lime green cowboy boots with two inch lug sole platforms.

So more details about this date, Zephan. What made it stand out?
Laurel said:
My weekend was crap, but this week is going to be good. Rock on, Zephan!! Details!

I hope you have the best of weeks Laurel. And thanks for postin!

As for details, it is weird how it all worked out. I got a call on Friday and was given two tickets to the grand reopening of a Jazz club in a town not too far from me. It sounded great but I didn't have a date. There is this girl that just started working at the video store I frequent. I had flirted with her a couple times and out of desperation I called her up and asked if she would like to go. Luckily for me she said YES!!! She looked stunning. The converstion was lively. We danced and laughed. Met some really interesting people. Got a tour of the whole club. It was just a magic night. We just clicked. I am smitten. That's about it.:)
Zephan said:
As for details, it is weird how it all worked out. I got a call on Friday and was given two tickets to the grand reopening of a Jazz club in a town not too far from me. It sounded great but I didn't have a date. There is this girl that just started working at the video store I frequent. I had flirted with her a couple times and out of desperation I called her up and asked if she would like to go. Luckily for me she said YES!!! She looked stunning. The converstion was lively. We danced and laughed. Met some really interesting people. Got a tour of the whole club. It was just a magic night. We just clicked. I am smitten. That's about it.:)

Wowsers. I'm all aflutter for you. :D That is awesome.
Mischka said:
My weekend kicked ass. I didn't do a stitch of schoolwork, had loads of sex, ate at several of my favorite retaurants, and basked in the great weather. I even went shopping - bought a killer pair of shades and lime green cowboy boots with two inch lug sole platforms.

So more details about this date, Zephan. What made it stand out?

Um, I'm jealous!!!!!:)

Mine was good, yours sounds even better! I didn't have loads of great sex, maybe next weekend!