I had sex with a married man

Yep, I add me to the list.... I did a married man this morning.... I know I'm weak but someone had to do it... :p
Oh dear, I had sex with a married man a couple of weeks ago............ and I'm not married.

Guess I am evil :(

Geez is was good though!!
Ladybird said:
Oh dear, I had sex with a married man a couple of weeks ago............ and I'm not married.

Guess I am evil :(

Geez is was good though!!
I'm going to have to punish you now.
as a married man...

I want to know where a married man got lucky enough to have sex with someone else. Hmmm can't say I have never thought about it, but the consequences are so great.... now if there was a way, where my consience wouldn't bother me, and no one would ever find out... hmmm what a fantasy.
KillerMuffin said:
Does that make me evil?

No, I am a married man that has cheated on his wife. I never though it would happen, but she decided sex was no longer important. Now that I have, the married woman I am hooked up with is the hottest best sex I have ever had in my life!!!!
curious2c said:
Lucky dog that #1 TankCommander. This married man gets it rarely.:p

I just don't understand that.........:confused:

You're so cute!
Tell us what you really feel!

Surely its the married man's decision whether he wants to fuck out or not.