I fucking hate photoshop

It's called poetic justice......you're obviously trying to create some nasty combo of an innocent Lit-er.
It's all about the layers. Chop out a block around the head into a new layer, use the rubber to erase around it, or a brush with a soft edge, you don't have to be pixel perfect. If you need to get rid of the head from the original picture you can just subtract the new layer from it leaving you with black where the head was.
Hmmm... well, it sucks to be you. Are you reattaching a different head?

Use the square selector, select the body, crop the image and past in the new head. Shouldn't take more than 20 minutes, unless you're completely incompetent.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Try manipulating the mouse with something other than your cock.

LMFAO!!! that is the funniest statement i've ever read here!

btw, photoshop is l&#9829ve and goodness
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Tried it

kept croppping the chin

It's about time someone bagged out that shit bit of software

Everyone else masturbates over it

Get a tablet then.
Hanns -

try doing the lasso thing, like you said cropped off the chin. If you hold down the shift key, and then lasso more stuff, it will link them together and lasso in the whole face.

see what I mean?

I'm perversely curious to see what you're up to. Bastards who don't appreciate photoshop and still have it... <grumbles away>
Use a high contract channel, slide the levels apart further, select the foreground and do a quick mask with a small feather contracted 2 pixels. Paste the head onto the new photo and use the healing brush. Slide the underoos up and continue to use until you can actually wipe your own ass, oh King of Komputers.
Well personally I love Photoshop and would probably try the "Extract" filter but Spin's idea coupled with Watergirl's is probablu the way foward.

Having said that, Hanns, have you tried the Gimp? more your style methinks...