I still think about it alot and fantasize about it but i really dont want to go though it again for real...
I met this girl who is dominate.... I thought i would sorta like getting tied up and spanked but holy crap did it HURT.... I had total control of what was dished out with one catch, whatever i agreed to do i had to finish what agreed to wether i wanted to or not... What i agreed to was 55 whacks with a belt..... OMG, she wore my ass out. That sh1t HURT.
After #20 i was holding it in, but if i wasent tied down i would have body slammed her or something..... A few more whacks later i thought i was gonna die and was thinking what on earth did i get myself into..... She asked if i wanted to get hit easy, medium or hard, i chose medium level but i would hate to find otu what hard is like.... After 55, she said i have to stay tied down for a few more minutes. In which time she talked me into taking some with a razor strap, which is a think pieve of leather... She kept asking so i finialy said 'suuuure'
My butt was getting cooled down until i had to take it again.... Dureing these licks if i hadent been tied down i would have been buckign everywhere... When i finialyl got untied i was kinda shakeing and mad but i played it cool... It was my 1st tiem doing this with someone i met at a bar thats into this. Im sort of th preppy type and she was more gothic so the people i hang out with are more into the tradional forms of arousing...... She still calls me alot wanting to talk,she likes me but i dont think my butt will hold up much longer if i keep this up... I mean, D@mn....
I met this girl who is dominate.... I thought i would sorta like getting tied up and spanked but holy crap did it HURT.... I had total control of what was dished out with one catch, whatever i agreed to do i had to finish what agreed to wether i wanted to or not... What i agreed to was 55 whacks with a belt..... OMG, she wore my ass out. That sh1t HURT.