I feel like a real author now


Still Happy
Aug 18, 2022
I got over my hangups and posted 24 stories in the last 12 months. The response was very gratifying. Almost 350k views, 421 favorites, 224 comments, 5474 ratings with an average score of 4.28. This has given me an opportunity to explore the elements of story telling and also to flesh out some of my kinky thoughts. At this point I feel capable of achieving my long-time goal of writing a real (non-pornographic) book. I won't stop writing porn though. I'm really only just getting started here.
Congratulations! I just followed you as an author so I can see your progress. Looking forward to reading more from you.
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Congratulations fellow author! May you spread the love you are receiving when you can. And if you want to put a few steamy scenes in your book to spice it up, like certain romance, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and other genre writers have done, feel free. Please. ;)
[Looks at own meagre collection of stories]

Nope, don't feel like a real author yet. Check back next year.

Congrats though, that is brilliant in only 12 months.