I feel for the people in the Washington DC area...


The 'Euro' European
Feb 18, 2001
life has go to be hell for them.

Whoever he is, this killer seems extremely accurate.

As far as I can gather the people killed have been hit by a single bullet only. No sounds have been heard of a fusillade of shots.

Just that one single bullet...

Jeez it makes me scared just imagining what it must be like being there at the moment.

I'm sure that's appreciated.

Though, anyone with two weeks of training can make those shots. I don't think the guy's expertise is as frightening as his randomness.
Dixon Carter Lee said:

Thanks. It wasn't meant as a sarcastic post DCL...

But Hans Schmidt sees demons in his head most of the time...

So, the previous arrests were faulth? Or, were they police tactic to make them doing something right?

I'm pretty sure the sniper's demand for money is not important to them. Anyone knows money never get to exchanged. Only fool would say they are two not one.

The motive can not be money. Power or Al Qaeda?
I've come to the conclusion that Chief Moose is a fucking moron. The two guys that were stepping in at the press conference today and speaking made him look like the bonehead he is.

Somebody please get the FBI running this case. They're still pretty good at catching serial killers.
p_p_man said:

Whoever he is, this killer seems extremely accurate.

He's not a sniper. He hasn't taken any extraordinary shots. Anyone with even a few hours practice and an average rifle could do what he's doing.
He is not hitting moving targets and seems to be making a lot of body shots.

I could do it and any decent hunter could as well. As long as you have good vision and some weapons proficiency you could do it.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
You stupid fool..the dude spends all his spare time coming here to bash America and Americans..he's gone on and on about gun control and hos retarded Americans are

He's made light of the situation

Now all of a sudden he cares?

deluded fool

Dear Dopey,

p p man's "America Stinky" rants have nothing to do with personal empathy. I'm not really talking to you, because I undertand that you don't actually mean anything you type (you'd be a lot more fun if you did), but to anyone who might take you seriously and wonder if p p man's empathy was authentic. It is.
The previous arrests...

were just two unfortunate illegal alien mexican guys that happened to be in a white van in the wrong place at the wrong time. He shot a bus driver yesterday morning. The poor fella was just waiting to start his route, and standing on the steps inside his bus and got one to the stomach. The police put up road blocks within 10 mins everywhere. Traffic was a mess. I was on the way to a meeting in DC, and they made me get out of their car and searched thru everything. Needless to say i was almost 3 hours late. I can't wait until this is over......
Re: The previous arrests...

mickey522 said:
were just two unfortunate illegal alien mexican guys that happened to be in a white van in the wrong place at the wrong time. He shot a bus driver yesterday morning. The poor fella was just waiting to start his route, and standing on the steps inside his bus and got one to the stomach. The police put up road blocks within 10 mins everywhere. Traffic was a mess. I was on the way to a meeting in DC, and they made me get out of their car and searched thru everything. Needless to say i was almost 3 hours late. I can't wait until this is over......

I guess I can stop watching "Sniper on the Loose" on CNN now.
Re: Re: I feel for the people in the Washington DC area...

Problem Child said:
He's not a sniper. He hasn't taken any extraordinary shots. Anyone with even a few hours practice and an average rifle could do what he's doing.

While accurate, it's not the most comforting thought.

I wish they would stop calling him a sniper and just call him what he is: a coward with a rifle. To save ink they at least could just say 'shooter' or 'suspect'.
If Sniper On The Loose

doesnt do it for you, try watching Larry King Live at night. He's had that America's Most Wanted guy on there several times (John Walsh?)
What a joke. He keeps saying things like "WE don't have much information about that, and WE are stopping all vehicles just to make sure"
WE? got a mouse in your pocket?
Just let Mooseboy do his job.
Hell I live in Texas and my daughter who is 12 asked me yesterday if it was ok for her to go out side to play because she didn't want to get shot. I can't fathom how the people in DC feel. It's scaring everyone, everywhere.
Re: Re: Re: I feel for the people in the Washington DC area...

CoolidgEffect said:
While accurate, it's not the most comforting thought.

I wish they would stop calling him a sniper and just call him what he is: a coward with a rifle. To save ink they at least could just say 'shooter' or 'suspect'.

Well, I was going for accuracy, not comfort.

I just get a little pissed because snipers, although trained to kill, are doing it for a noble cause, presumably to try and save the lives of civilians, or fellow police or soldiers.

This guy is just killing randomly, and destroying peoples lives.
Problem Child said:
I've come to the conclusion that Chief Moose is a fucking moron. The two guys that were stepping in at the press conference today and speaking made him look like the bonehead he is.

Somebody please get the FBI running this case. They're still pretty good at catching serial killers.

Can't they do that if the 10 million thing turns out to be real? Isn't it technically like a hostage situation there?

Or is that to easy to get around?
He's gotta get caught soon. He's in contact with the police too much. Usually when these crazies start communication with the police, they find them soon after. This morning on the local news Moose was telling The Sniper that they couldn't wire the money to him, but they could set up an anonymous PO Box for him. Surely they don't think he's that stupid? If he goes down becuase they caught him checking his PO Box, I'll lose the little bit of respect I have for him.
p_p_man said:
life has go to be hell for them.

Whoever he is, this killer seems extremely accurate.

As far as I can gather the people killed have been hit by a single bullet only. No sounds have been heard of a fusillade of shots.

Just that one single bullet...

Jeez it makes me scared just imagining what it must be like being there at the moment.


Thanks PP. The bullet moves faster than sound so that you're dead before the sound gets to you. Creepy.

Kids are still attending schools, but they're not allowed outside. It's a shame. I feel bad for the kids more than anything else. I'm very curious about his motivation.