I fear for the marines

I've heard this theory a couple times. really hope i doesnt happen. too many people have died already. one person is one too many.
Hanns_Schmidt said:
I have a bad feeling.

We gave Iraq far too much time to prepare because of fucking FRANCE. I think they're sucking us into an all out fight in Baghdad.

The arabs will have the upper hand in the streets

The US might decide to eliminate the streets by means of a few MOAB's...but that means many civvy casualties.
OMG someone shoot me NOW kill me DEAD I NEVER repeat NEVER thought anything Hans said I would even remotely agree with but I do this time. Not that I woulda called them that name however..woulda thought of something alil more polite even if we are at war with them :nana:
I more worried about the traitors here at home violently protesting after the war had already begun and what reception they may get when they come home after it is over. This war is to divisive, the majority still supports it here but the minority is very vocal, many times ignorant I have found in my personal dealings with most of them, and not very peaceful like thier forefathers protesting the Vietnam conflict and many times lack tact and class.

As for the war, it might be tougher than we thought but we have more than enough firepower in the region and in transit to deal with them. Part of Bush's plan was to have 250,000 boots on the ground (which we do not have thank you very much Turkey) and another 100,000 in reserve just in case. It looks as though we may need that 100,000 reserve afterall to secure and hold ground already taken and mop up after advancing forces.
No, the marines and other Coalition troops will be in thier suits with masks on then, only possible the odd unlucky bastard that was a rip or tear in it will be a casualty.

Don't worry TOO much, this was just one skirmish on TV, no different than any other mopping-up operation other than the fact it was on TV. Hell, no marine was even wounded in it. Now if they had cameras embedded during the First Gulf War when they went up against 300+ T-72 tanks of three Republican Guard divisions you would all be screaming that the sky was falling.
Cerberus666 said:
I've heard this theory a couple times. really hope i doesnt happen. too many people have died already. one person is one too many.
I'm in agreement in with Hanns ... it's coming ...
Scares the hell out of me . Esp when they are talking of sending my son. :(
WOw way to dig up an ancient thread.

Been a Marine almost 7 years now.
All I can say about the topic is:

"ooh rah"
"get some" and
"Semper Fi"

I don't think the arabs are as clever as the gooks though.

Gooks? I'd let to see you call them that.
...To their face.

They were on the opposite side of the war, but I think they earned the right to be called North Vietnamese. Especially by those who weren't there(not sure if you were or not, but I was not).
Hanns_Schmidt said:
This is an old thread.

My prediction.
I know .. I read the dates before I posted .. Just wanted to put in my two cents . :(