I don't understand...


I Am Little Spoon
Aug 10, 2002
There are many intelligent posters on lit. I am sure that many of them have even taken communications &/or debate classes, and have learned the rules to an effective debate or discussion. So why is it that these intelligent posters let the less skilled communicators drag them down to the level of name calling and insult hurling?

I can't say that I've been totally immune to it, but I try to refrain as much as possible. I absolutely hate to hurt people's feelings, and that gets me into enough trouble as it is. Can someone explain to me why this happens? Is it that the debate becomes more about who can hurl the more creative insult? Is it a shameless need to hurt someone? Or do people really believe they can win arguments this way?

I usually don't post leading threads like this, as I hate confrontation. But after reading some "discussion" threads today, I am saddened by the amount of name-calling that people use in serious discussions. To me it trivializes the issue. Argue the topic, not the person who holds the opposing viewpoint.
Some people just dont have the whatsit to keep on track and above a brawl.

It's sad when it happens.
I try to stay out of "confrontational" threads anymore, unless they specifically mention me, or it's something where someone who SHOULD know better, obviously doesn't. I'm not exactly the smartest cookie in the jar though.
For this very reason I read the posts only.

I will not state my case because the discussion, as you say, nearly always deteriorates into a slanging match. At which point I quietly switch thread.
guilty pleasure said:
For this very reason I read the posts only.

I will not state my case because the discussion, as you say, nearly always deteriorates into a slanging match. At which point I quietly switch thread.
The high art of debate is after all really a game of restraint...

Unlike other things. :rose:
Sadly, it happens on every forum I've ever seen (and not just on the WWW). People don't like to have to admit that they were wrong in public. When the intellectual point is lost they resort to name calling...
I avoid debate on these boards because of a pretty widespread level of adolescent hormonality round hear. I will post my opinion but I dont come here to debate. One thing I have noticed over time here is that if you are rude or mean or even idiotic you tend to get people to pay attention to you. Sad, yet true. The bottom line is that literotica is not Yale, hell, its not even miss pissy county community college.
Eumenides said:

I absolutely hate to hurt people's feelings, and that gets me into enough trouble as it is. Can someone explain to me why this happens? Is it that the debate becomes more about who can hurl the more creative insult? Is it a shameless need to hurt someone? Or do people really believe they can win arguments this way?

What is confrontation and hurtful to some people... is recreation and sport to others.
alltherage said:
I avoid debate on these boards because of a pretty widespread level of adolescent hormonality round hear. I will post my opinion but I dont come here to debate. One thing I have noticed over time here is that if you are rude or mean or even idiotic you tend to get people to pay attention to you. Sad, yet true. The bottom line is that literotica is not Yale, hell, its not even miss pissy county community college.

I think I would agree with this point for the most part. Unfortunately, it uses generalizations that can't be held up to all posters in discussion threads. As for the attention-getting angle, I think that's true in some people. However, we all go looking to get attention in one way or another. I just wish people wouldn't resort to hostility in order to do this.

Luckily, I have to go to a meeting, so my idealism won't have to be endured for much longer here.
I don't ever debate a point here. Very seldom at least. I just want to add to the fluff factor. And ream Hann's ass bloody raw with my rasp, daily. In other words I only post here for fun.
I just posted my "90% of entertainment is crap" rule, so now I'll exhaust my list of rules about people and say: if it's free, there will inevitably be large numbers of really stupid people involved. Stupidity + attention = even more stupidity. The gene puddle shrinks.
Yes, we'd all like this board, and the people on it to be better than they actually are.

Maturity would be nice as well, but that's a long way off.
Because we're all human?

Because you can't "get" tone and inflection from words on a screen?

Because some folks can't be happy unless they're trying to make others unhappy?

*shrug* I dunno.:confused:
Thanks Rhys. That put things in perspective. I'm sure others think I should post differently than I should. It just makes me so sad that comedy anymore has to be an insult to someone. I can't watch sitcoms anymore because it disgusts me. And I see this reflected in my students, who are cruel to one another, and their teachers, and me. I guess, anymore, cruelty isn't a punishable offense.
Eumenides said:
Thanks Rhys. That put things in perspective. I'm sure others think I should post differently than I should. It just makes me so sad that comedy anymore has to be an insult to someone. I can't watch sitcoms anymore because it disgusts me. And I see this reflected in my students, who are cruel to one another, and their teachers, and me. I guess, anymore, cruelty isn't a punishable offense.

What's worse is that wearing white shoes after Labor Day is no longer a hangin' offense. ;)

I have discovered the ignore feature works very well. Sadly, I can do nothing about humankind's inhumanity to each other. That has been going on for as long as we have exisited. About the only thing you can do is recognise the abusive and cruel ones, and then leave them alone. They create their own misery anyway.

I believe there are people out there that are not cruel animals. I think I just located another human. Hi Eumie!
Nora said:
What's worse is that wearing white shoes after Labor Day is no longer a hangin' offense. ;)


I understand that in some parts of the world that is a most heinous crime! I also hear that wearing white on your wedding day when you are NOT a virgin is tantamount to a social disaster of epic proportion.

Not to mention making the non virgin the subject of every front porch discussion among the scotch addled social mavens of the deep south.