I don't normally read crap like this, but holey moley...


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
It was fabulous!

Usually if I see a story that has more than 3 lit pages, I'm all about the instant back click. Talk about your time committment to a monitor. This one made my jaw hit the floor. This guy pulled out all stops. 41 lit pages. 41!! I told myself there's no way in hell, E or no E. 41 pages later I'm still looking for more.

I'm not going to tell you the ending, but this is one hell of an erotic fantasy! Typos and all.

Tender Mercies by Phineas
To each his own

Couldn't get past the first three paras before I started skimming and at the end of the page Just exed it.

...just about to recover

That's one hell of a story!
I don't like this "one-page-ram-bam-things" so this was heaven for me! :)