I dont have to work tonight. You can ravish me or I can go to movies..

Re: Re: I dont have to work tonight. You can ravish me or I can go to movies..

freakygurl said:

You really are bored.. aren't you?

Everyone I've talked to said that movie sucked.

Yeah but when I thought I was working all my friend made other plans..
Re: Re: I dont have to work tonight. You can ravish me or I can go to movies..

Backyard sweaty said:

Ravishing MC or watching Titantic? This could be a thread as to which is the most painful.

Watch titanic...
Re: Re: I dont have to work tonight. You can ravish me or I can go to movies..

freakygurl said:

You really are bored.. aren't you?

Everyone I've talked to said that movie sucked.

Just got back.

The movie was pretty good.
Diesel has a great futre ahead of him as an action star.
I'd rather have Vin in my bed...

He directed that movie didn't he?
My 8 year old nephew and his step dad went to see it.. neither of them liked it. Said it was super cheesy. And if Vin had done that movie before Fast and Furious.. then they wouldn't have watched F and F at all..

hmmm isn't it funny how different people view different things?

I am an equal opportunity movie hater. I think it stems from being in the video business to many years.