I don't care what you sick fucks think, but this is a brilliant work!



I did not find this story to be erotic at all... I know it wasn't supposed to be.

The concept was a big concept and one that is compelling.

The disillusion did "leave a taste in my mouth", but the story didn't convince me. The first paragraphs were tedious to read.

Thanks for bringing it to our attention, though.
Yes, it wasn't erotic but it was different and I enjoyed it immensely. Thanks CV. :)
I definatly think that whoever wrote this has a wonderful talent. It was an enjoyable story, well worth reading. Not erotic though, I do agree with everyone else on that one....it was very sexual, but not erotic. All together Great Job though!
Yeah--not erotic but I still loved it. I'll take brilliant non-erotic writing over mediocre erotica any day.