I DON'T apologize!


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
I don't think I owe an apology to anyone. In fact, I think there are a number of people here who owe profuse apologies to me. The list includes (but is not limited to) Heavy Stick (there-- you made another list, dude), miles, Problem Child, Dixon Carter Lee, teddybear4play and Texan.

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You're right, you don't have the responsibility to appologise!

But your parents sure do!
I don't think I owe an apology to anyone. In fact, I think there are a number of people here who owe profuse apologies to me. The list includes (but is not limited to) Heavy Stick (there-- you made another list, dude), miles, Problem Child, Dixon Carter Lee, and Texan.


Yet another example of REDWAVE:

1) Refusing accountability for his actions

2) Looking for a handout
RosevilleCAguy said:
Go Raiders.

Damn straight baby. This thread is now officially hijacked since leaving it in the hands of redrave would have been an affront to sane humans everywhere.
I don't think I owe an apology to anyone. In fact, I think there are a number of people here who owe profuse apologies to me. The list includes (but is not limited to) Heavy Stick (there-- you made another list, dude), miles, Problem Child, Dixon Carter Lee, teddybear4play and Texan.
Take your apology, shove it up your ass, and set it on fire.

I've done nothing to you that you didn't deserve.

Todd, you moron!

Once again, I never threatened you with death. I wrote a humorous fantasy, that's all. On the other hand, I have been threatened with death more than once.

But hey-- I'm sorry you're such an idiot you can't tell the difference between threats and kidding!

69ers-- er, 49ers

I am sorry the 49ers got beat.

By the Bucs, which used to be a doormat team, no less.
Re: 69ers-- er, 49ers

I am sorry the 49ers got beat.

By the Bucs, which used to be a doormat team, no less.

San Francisco just had a secondary that was too beat up to get them far in the playoffs.

Problem with this whole Superbowl thing is that only one team can win.
I don't think I owe an apology to anyone. In fact, I think there are a number of people here who owe profuse apologies to me. The list includes (but is not limited to) Heavy Stick (there-- you made another list, dude), miles, Problem Child, Dixon Carter Lee, teddybear4play and Texan.


You are not alone...

That bunch owes apologies to many people...


I understand only one American was actually killed during that attack in Kuwait, REDWAVE, and that the other American got away with injuries.

Call me if you want to talk, man.
brokenbrainwave said:
LOL..pretty much an accident thing.


There's an old joke.

A teacher stands in front of her class and asks how many of them are L.A. Dodger fans. All of them, except one little girl, raise their hands. The teacher asks her who she is a fan of, and she replies, "The San Francisco Giants."

The teacher asks her why, and she says "My mommy and daddy are both Giants fans."

The teacher asks "Well, if your mommy and daddy were both idiots, what would you be?"

The little girl says "A Dodger fan."

Actually what you said just triggered that joke. I have the dvisional rivalry thing going with Denver, but you have to admire any team that plays well consistently. They gotta work on thier line though, or its not going to matter who they get to QB.

Im just happy the Raiders made it, mostly for the guys like Tim Brown. Too bad Wisnewski didn't hang on for another year.
p_p_man said:
That bunch owes apologies to many people...

Let's make a list of those people. Hmm. REDWAVE, p p man, Don K Dyck, Hanns Schmidt, Busybody...

I'm seeing a pattern here.
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Let's make a list of those people. Hmm. REDWAVE, p p man, Don K Dyck, Hanns Schmidt, Busybody...

I'm seeing a pattern here.

Another fucking list thread that I won't make.