I do believe that I've found my new "Best Friend"


...a curious sort
Mar 11, 2002
Well.....it's not a "done deal" yet. I need to call this afternoon, and set up the details of how soon I'll pick him up, etc....but it seems as though the search for a new puppy is about complete.

Some of you know...I was wanting an English Bulldog. Then...thought about Schnauzers....and even stopped momentarily on a Pug. (I decided against the pug, only because cK would of wanted to move in with me then.....heh :p )

I've had my eye on Boston Bulls lately. And...here he is. 10 weeks old. And...pardon the awful afgan in the background. <wink>
I'm guessing not too bad. He's young enough to be tender like veal, but you're running the risk of the meat being stringy.

I suppose I'll just keep him around to irritiate the hell out of me awhile.

raindancer said:
Aww V.

I knew you were a softie.

Well...if you ever gave me a reason to "firm up", we'd not be having this discussion.

Tease. ;)
greybeard said:
I kinda like the afgan...............


On the off chance it gets accidentally shipped with the pup, I'll be sure to get it sent right off to you, grey.


Dang, how did we go from talking dogs to me being a tease?!

Argh. Nevermind- you're a cold hearted, old man that wears stinky tees.
raindancer said:
Dang, how did we go from talking dogs to me being a tease?!

Argh. Nevermind- you're a cold hearted, old man that wears stinky tees.

Hey........those T's were clean, dammit! lol At least they weren't bright yellow or anything. <coughcough>

Vilac said:
and even stopped momentarily on a Pug. (I decided against the pug, only because cK would of wanted to move in with me then.....heh :p )

You say this like it's a bad thing...
Re: Re: I do believe that I've found my new "Best Friend"

celiaKitten said:
You say this like it's a bad thing...

heh...it *is a bad thing.

If you moved in, I'd want you petting me....not the pug. LOL

MaggieH said:
He's adorable...what are you going to name him?

LOL...well, there's a running joke about that. My employees and family all know that I've been looking for a pup. I've told them all at one point or another that I'm going to name him "Fucker".

The reactions thus far have been priceless. lol

I'm not sure yet.

I'm considering a few names.

Max (the name I was *going to use for a bulldog)

<shrug> Perhaps I should of made a poll, huh? LOL


Everything's finalized today. I fill out the registration papers, and set the arrangements to pick him up Friday afternoon. (around 2pm) <g>

I'm excited..and slightly nervous. LOL

I think he is a fine choice, and quite adorable.
That is one cute pup Vilac :)

Have fun with your new friend!

p.s. He looks like an Eddie.
Thanks, perk and soblue. <g>

(*I am leaning towards Eddie, btw) LOL I guess I'll know for sure when I actually get him.

Thanks guys. <g>