I discovered something worse than fruitcake.


Ms Snooby Pants
Mar 18, 2001
A "friend" (and I'm now using that term warily) sent me an apple cinnamon pecan cake. It's a block of pecans fused together with vaguely apple-flavored caulk. We've dubbed it Apple Dense Cake.

There's only a centimeter slice missing from the ring. I could very easily squish it together and it would be as good (or bad) as new. Anyone need a gift for that special someone? A soon-to-be-ex-boss, perhaps?

*edited because the typos were driving me batty*
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You know what is worse than fruitcakes? Because those you can throw them away and said you ate it. Or give to a homeless shelter. But what if a relative knits you a sweater and it is ugly? then do you have to wear it? Oh my goodness.
TedJackson said:
fruitcake can be VERY yummy...just usually the homemade kind isn't....try Claxton's fruitcakes....very tasty...sweet and dense and chewy and moist
"Dense" and "cake" do not belong in the same sentence. *shudder*

My dad loves Collin Street Bakery's fruitcake. Consumer Reports gave them the official nod as the best fruitcake lat time I checked. And since fruitcake lasts a decade, I'm sure we're still on the same batch.

And the gift-giver isn't Canadian. He's a Texan that recently moved to Virginia. I blame the cold.
I was wondering...do people recycle fruit cake, or rather give it to someone else. Speaking of fruit cake, how ya doin Hanns!:rolleyes:
Mischka said:
"Dense" and "cake" do not belong in the same sentence. *shudder*

And the gift-giver isn't Canadian. He's a Texan that recently moved to Virginia. I blame the cold.

"Dense" and "Rosevillecaguy" work together well in the same sentence.

Personal issues aside, Texans are worse than Canadians. Far worse. They would force us to watch the Dallas Cowboys or the Houston Texans.....{shudder}
Something worse than fruitcake?


I think Im sending Mischka Rolaids for Christmas.
If I was yayati, I'd make another thread demanding to laurel to ban this thread, ban mischka, and ban anyone who said anything bad about fruitcake.

The mince pie people would be free to bash mince pies all they want, but this oppression has to stop.

I am going to start the PFFCP, aka the People's Front of Fruit Cake Protection.
I like fruitcake. I've got some right now. I don't know about Fused Pecan/ Apple Caulk cake. Sounds kind of iffy.

If you want something worse than fruitcake try leftover Pork Tartar. It's nowhere near as good as it sounds.
I'll pass.

I actually hate fruitcake, and it would put my into a coma if I ate the shit, so I don't really know why I am so defensive about it.

Maybe it is because I am one, and I feel unloved.

Wait, I'd rather not rationalize this further.

Let me wallow in it. :D