I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!

Hey Vixenshe, I hope that I can follow your example, I also have three papers due next week :)

Good work!! :D
BrownEyes26 said:
Hey Vixenshe, I hope that I can follow your example, I also have three papers due next week :)

Good work!! :D

good luck!

What are your papers on??
*peeking inside*

Oh my bad, I thought you were talking about something totally different....
agezinder said:
*peeking inside*

Oh my bad, I thought you were talking about something totally different....

lol... nope, didn't do THAT... I WISH! Honey had some very minor surgery done on his leg recently, and we don't want to pull the stitches out, so we've been very... well.. inactive.
1. Abortion Policy and its Effects on oppression in Canada
{includes the social construction of women, birth and abortion...pretty interesting stuff!}
2. The effects of the one-child policy in china

3. Critiquing two counseling theories..doesn't have a title yet :D

Wish me luck! And hope you get good grades on your papers...
When I saw the thread title, for a moment I thought you'd maybe found a certain Hanns and given him his come uppance!

Who's going to be having a cool weekend having finished their papers then?
good luck!

Mine were:

1) Discuss the representation of women in the artwork from the Late Bronze Age to the Classical or Hellenistic Era, and what did these representations say about the mentality towards women in Greek civilization.

2) Discuss the images (altars, idols, etc) of deities and religion aboard the ships, and in the ports of the Bronze Age, Greek, and Roman ships. What does the presence of such items say about the peoples on such ships?

3) Was Rome a democracy between 218-167 BC? Analyze the life of Fabius Maximus, as well as the works of Livy and Polybius in order to answer the question.
Re: Re: I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!

Pechorin said:
When I saw the thread title, for a moment I thought you'd maybe found a certain Hanns and given him his come uppance!

Who's going to be having a cool weekend having finished their papers then?

not me, I have to do two chapters of Greek homework, and then on Saturday, the 7th, I have my first exam.
Re: Re: Re: I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!

vixenshe said:
not me, I have to do two chapters of Greek homework, and then on Saturday, the 7th, I have my first exam.

Greek homework? As in ancient Greek? That bring's back horrible memories of Latin at school. Urgh.

And exams on a Saturday before Christmas? Have you checked the human rights conventions?

Good luck. :D
Re: Re: Re: Re: I did it! I did it! I did it! I did it!

Pechorin said:
Greek homework? As in ancient Greek? That bring's back horrible memories of Latin at school. Urgh.

And exams on a Saturday before Christmas? Have you checked the human rights conventions?

Good luck. :D

Yes, ancient Greek. Much better than Latin, which I tried, and just hated.

I have an exam on the 7th, 11th, 17th, 18th, and 20th.
I have a two papers and a test next week, so that means no weekend here. :(

Took a break for Thanksgiving.
At least, this weekend, you can party.
Mona said:
I have a two papers and a test next week, so that means no weekend here. :(

Took a break for Thanksgiving.
At least, this weekend, you can party.

well.. I have to do that Greek homework... but other than that, yes, I'm taking it easy. Tomorrow is my day off homework, though I do have to work.
English Lit. - Entropy in American Literature
Accounting - Tax Return Preparation for an Individual (Taxpaper)

(Can't forget the Chem. test) :( :( :(
Good job... Vixen

I have not started any of my papers and I see all my books stacked up on my desk ... but yet don't get motivated and I think I am dealing with writer's block or something.
I couldn't get motivated until I realized I HAD to write the papers... One was due monday this week (handed it in on Sunday), another today (handed it in yesterday), and another is due tomorrow (I'll actually hand that in when it's due).