I can't get it together


the once and future
Dec 14, 2001
I have not finished shopping but I ran out of money so I guess I am done
I have not decorated my (overpriced, but not terribly scrawny) tree, although I put lights on it
and the giant snowflake I got.
I bought a tree skirt fully intending to decorate it, but I haven't done that either
I stuck a couple of snowflakes in my window, they light up

I did get packages and cards mailed, so that was not a total loss.

Right now, I am thinking of taking the empty ink cartridges from my printer and tying string on them and hanging them on the tree

A cartridge on a bare tree...

anyone else think we should move christmas back a week so we can get our shit together?
Apparently not. I know the Draaaah would probably be for this as she understands procrastination

I don't think mine is procrastination...more like...apathy.
I think you should drill holes in the cartridges and put lights in 'em.

I've gotten all my local gifts done, but I haven't even nearly gotten together the stuff to be mailed. Pretty much everyone knows i'm always late, though.
I finally got the last of my stuff done. Contrary to my previous thoughts, I was able to afford gifts for everyone that I wanted to buy for - except my friends. I dragged my friend's daughter out tonight to help, and bought my daughter the SPIFFIEST winter coat ever. If she hates it, I'm taking it back and buying myself a pair of fuck me boots.
Okay so I carved holes in the cartridges and put lights in them

I hope that the ink residue is not flammable...
Here it is, the day before Christmas. The fake tree is up, with lights on. the ornaments are still in the box they were packed up in a year and a half ago, sitting next to the tree. My coat is draped across the box. The cards I bought are unopened, therefore not going anywhere this year. My husbands presents are unwrapped. I did manage to get the garland wrapped around the bannister. :/

I need two more weeks, please.

Christmas has been cancelled due to lack of interest.
If it wasnt for extra-easy getting laid, I wouldnt bother with X-mass at all. Thankfully, I dont even need to bother with any decorations as I could care less, I'm not even gonna be home much between X-mass and New Years, mostly neverending parties and nobody coming over.

I guess it becomes pain on wallet once you have kids. So far, its costing me next to nothing.