I can eat solid foods again...seriously!


Literotica Guru
Aug 29, 2002
Well, I'm back (though I don't think anyone gave it a second thought, now did you?). How long has it been, over two weeks? It started out as a stomach ache, then some serious cramping, then a terrible headache and cold. The cold became a fever and the cramping became the worst pain I could ever imagine. I was sweating like crazy and was so HOT (physically, not sexually). Next thing I knew, I was hurling up everything I ate five minutes later into a conveintly placed trash can by my bed and was spitting out blood. And to think, that all happened within 72 hours. Before you know it, BAM, I got this freaky ass stomach flu and sinus infection and a bunch of other shit that I didn't know existed and got a little bed by the window at the hospital when my temp. hit 106.8 degrees and I was sick as a dog (figuratively, of course). First they had to ice me down (literally, another degree or two and I'd be in a shallow grave now). Then they did all kinds of tests and treatments, though I think I was unconscious at the time, and I was asleep twenty hours a day and the other four was spent trying to swallow disgusting mush through a burning throat and upset stomach (nothing solid, but mainly ice cubes melting in my mouth) and looking out the window wishing I was getting laid (I know, I was delusional)
I finally got to go home (listen to me go on) when my temp. dropped a couple degrees and they were pretty (ahem, ahem) sure that I wasn't going to die. I lived on melted ice cream and mushed jello for the next week or so, which would be fine if I wasn't throwing everything that went down back up. My room will smell for months. It took all my will not to throw up the medicine (which tasted horrible) and mild painkillers. The headache was still there, I felt like shit, I couldn't think straight, and I couldn't even walk ten feet to the fucking toilet to take a piss so a bed pan was my best friend for a while. And let me tell you, it didn't help when a friend of mine had to be there to clean up my messes for a week (female, of course. Male...too awkward) and make sure I didn't die. Now there's something we will never speak of again.
Well, my temps only up a degree or so above normal, fever's died out, headache's still here, I have just enough strength (literally) to type, walk to the bathroom and piss, you know the essential movements. My friend Amy (God Bless her) still checks up on me every three hours or so and still has to pretty much feed me (I can eat solid foods again, didn't I say so? Started yesterday with fruit, cut up meat, cut up vegatables, you know, small stuff she can cook). I still throw up, though, if I have too much so at least that's taken care of (and I've lost like eight pounds, which I needed to do anyway, but what I way, huh?)
So I just wanted to bore you all with my sad, sad story. I have a couple days left to get healthy, lots of work to do for school, most likely got fired from work, and spent two weeks in the worst pain imaginable hopped up on every medication known to man that still made me feel worse than shit, but at least I was num with pain. I feel as if someone up there likes me (don't know why, though) and first thing I'll do when I'm better (or at least when I hold an erection) is to get LAID! (yeah, right, I couldn't do it before I was sick, what makes me think it'll happen now? Maybe the pity approach will work, right?) You can't get rid of me that easily, you hear? It'll take much more to wipe me off the face of the earth (or at the least, a car on a busy road) I'm not dead yet...

P.S. Did I mention that I can eat solid foods again?

P.P.S. And I can use the big boy potty again...
...Me a big boy, me thinks...
What did I say? Told you no one gave me a second thought...
...which is kinda depressing now that I think of it
Wow, you'd think that at least one person would care, wouldn't you? Well, I'll be off to la la land soon anyway...I check in the morning if anyone gives a shit.
Great to see you are feeling better.

I was wondering where you had run off to..
Nice to see that some people care. And I couldn't run if I tried, not even now. All I can do is lie here, type on my laptop and complain. I'm feeling especially grouchy and whiny now that I can be awake for more than a couple hours.
Holy cow! You poor thing! Your work shouldn't fire you, btw. I mean, it's not like you can't provide a doctor's excuse for the time you were off.

I'm glad you're feeling a little better and not dead or anything serious. ;)
Thanks everyone. Its nice to see everyone again. I assue you that I was thinking of you all;)