I am worn the fuck out!


Nov 5, 2000
I got off of work today at 4pm and headed to the gym. After changing, riding the bike for 40min and then changing back into my work clothes... I went to the grocery store to stock my refrigerator and pantry with good-for-me foods.

I've never spent more than maybe $50 in a grocery store. I almost always get one of those hand baskets.

Today...I pushed a cart.

I spent $77.32 on groceries, shampoo, toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Everything I bought is quite healthy - lots of fruit and veggies... Lean Cuisines, chicken, etc. No sodas. No junk food.

I was just checking out my receipt to see what all I'd bought in black and white. The most impressive part of the receipt wasn't the final cost...or the loooooong list of purchases - it was the "Total Savings" column. I bought sale items... used coupons, etc.

I saved $30.39! :eek:

Anyhow... one workout and one loooooooong shopping trip later (not to mention hauling all that shit to the 2nd floor), my ass is worn the fuck out. lol I sat down and ate a Lean Cuisine...had a glass of water...and now I'm going to make myself stay up for an hour or so before I pass out.

My "resolutions" seem to run together... save money... eat healthy...lose weight... workout.

This is going to be a good year. I just feel it.

This year I'm going to make up for last year. Last year sucked. I'm going to be good to myself.
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*hugs for RR* You are doing great. Great job and it will get easier.
That is very cool. Sorry you are tired at the moment, but it is really great.
Emerald_eyed said:
ok, Ill clean your bathroom while you rest, just to help you out, youve been working to hard., then Ill be in the tub with candles and bubbles awaiting your arrival!

Sweet. I have some really cool chamomile jasmine bath crystals Nora gave me that I haven't even broken into yet. Oh...and I got *lotsa* candles for Christmas.

If I'm not there in an hour, call for help. Or smelling salts.
Treat yourself too........

Before going to bed, I recommend a steaming hot bath, lit candles of various fragrances, some nice music, lights off, and no time limit to stay in there. Be kind to your earthly vehicle. :D :rose:
*hugs* back to you, Ez... and thanks Smiley and LC! I know it will get easier. I was quite fit once-upon-a-time! lol

I'm not sure about setting myself up a bath...I may have to settle for a nice, hot shower before bed. lol That sounds like so much less work. :D
Emerald_eyed said:
Ummm...........could possibly fit 3 of us in there.........

It's a pretty small tub... but if we intertwine ourselves just right, it could work. :D

Jim - Why not? lol Besides the obvious exhaustion. ;)
MaximusPhalicus said:
OK... this is gonna sound stupid, but if you have just started working out again, and are possibly experiencing muscle soreness..... A cold shower is better. It helps the muscles release the lactic acid.


Awesome, MP - thanks!

My muscles haven't been too sore yet (I've been working out for about a week and a half now) - I've been hitting the cardio more than the weight machines. (I did some weight-lifting with my arms a few days ago and boy was I sore then! lol)

I'm definitely going to start mixing in some weight lifting over the next couple of weeks, so that is definitely good info! Thank you!
MaximusPhalicus said:
Haven't we all??? Hopefully, the gyms will thin out in a couple weeks.

You are welcome.

lol Yeah. I guess I'm lucky that I get off at 4pm. The gym isn't nearly as crowded around 4:30pm as it is around 5:30pm when I leave!

Everyone's on their new health kick. I like to think the thing that makes me different is that I've been wanting this for a while...and I was just waiting for the membership (which I got for Christmas!).

No more excuses like "I don't like walking alone" or "It's too cold/hot/rainy/dark outside". :D
keep it up girl... doing well so far :)

don't stop and make me come spank you ... hmm oh wait.......

QuickDuck said:
keep it up girl... doing well so far :)

don't stop and make me come spank you ... hmm oh wait.......


You should offer to come spank me if I *do* keep it up. :devil:
