I am taking a flight, but...


Loves Spam
Aug 21, 2012
I will not get on the plane if I see an arab or muslums. Why?? Because they only buy one way tickets; and come to the airport with no luggage...

I will not get on the plane if I see an arab or muslums. Why?? Because they only buy one way tickets; and come to the airport with no luggage...


You should really work on your trolling.

You're not even in the top half of our trolls.

You get an F for taking the lazy, predictable route.
You should really work on your trolling.

You're not even in the top half of our trolls.

You get an F for taking the lazy, predictable route.

Would you want to be on a 16 hour flight; fueled with terror as you sat next to some towel head?? fuck no...

I will not get on the plane if I see an arab or muslums. Why?? Because they only buy one way tickets; and come to the airport with no luggage...

stay off the planes. do everyone a favour.
Would you want to be on a 16 hour flight; fueled with terror as you sat next to some towel head?? fuck no...


Go back to the ambien shtick. It wasn't believeable but at least it was a little more original.
What is this, the 1930's? The Bowery isn't where the drunks hang out. Hasn't been for decades. Try again.

NO shit. It's a line from a movie. Want to meet up at cafe orland on St. Mark's place. I know you can't afford Masa. Or we can to to grey dog on carmine st. (those bastards fired me.)

is this the part where we're all supposed to be shocked that a guy pretending to be a chick wrote something offensive?
NO shit. It's a line from a movie. Want to meet up at cafe orland on St. Mark's place. I know you can't afford Masa. Or we can to to grey dog on carmine st. (those bastards fired me.)


It's cafe Orlin you twit.
is this the part where we're all supposed to be shocked that a guy pretending to be a chick wrote something offensive?

probably, but i've fast-forwarded to the total-ennui-and-can't-be-arsed stage since i'm not about to miss anything.

I am waiting for zipman to respond; see if he wants to meet up. It will be my first meeting with someone from here. But, i am not cheap. he must take me to Union Square Cafe, or Gotham Bar & Grille.


I am waiting for zipman to respond; see if he wants to meet up. It will be my first meeting with someone from here. But, i am not cheap. he must take me to Union Square Cafe, or Gotham Bar & Grille.


you are such a lesbian, insisting that the man pay for your way on a date and all
you are such a lesbian, insisting that the man pay for your way on a date and all

It's not a date; just company. I sent him a PM. I am curious as how close to me he lives; as he knows cafe orlin. I go there all the time. I am wondering if he is is like me and the rest of the freaks that live below 14th street...

Or if he is a Wall Street type that lives on the UWS. I have a feeling he is down here by me. he definitely does not talk like an UESider...

I have friends of both sexy. Who said I asked him to pay for anything??

It's not a date; just company. I sent him a PM. I am curious as how close to me he lives; as he knows cafe orlin. I go there all the time. I am wondering if he is is like me and the rest of the freaks that live below 14th street...

Or if he is a Wall Street type that lives on the UWS. I have a feeling he is down here by me. he definitely does not talk like an UESider...

I have friends of both sexy. Who said I asked him to pay for anything??


you did


But, i am not cheap. he must take me to Union Square Cafe, or Gotham Bar & Grille.
I will not get on the plane if I see an arab or muslums. Why?? Because they only buy one way tickets; and come to the airport with no luggage...

I hope you see an arab or muslum.

It is the duty of all decent folks to wish maximum inconvenience on trolltastic human waste like you.