i am so tickled, I'm gonna bust!


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
I just have to tell someone, so pardon me. :(

My son is in the 8th grade, and started this school year the first week in August. Though he is in the Gifted/Talented program, (MERIT) for the last 2 years he has really struggled with it, and with most all of his classes. The fallout from my marriage ending and all the emotional crap he went through with my ex really took a toll on him, and he was no longer on the Honor Roll, as he had been every year.
However, today he came home and told me that the principal at his school picked him to move ahead to 9th grade classes in Math and English!!!:D *squeals* I am so tickled!!! I have no idea where the child got these brains from, :eek: but hot damn, he is something else!:)
He also has been selected to be on the Algebra Team. (They compete against other schools.)
What is making me so proud is to see how he has persevered and come through all of this, and is now doing so well. ;)

Thank you for listening...I just had to share. :)
There's nothing like your kids success to bring the"hot damn" outta ya is there?:D

Congratulations Connie!

Love hearing that....you should be very proud. Strong minds make for strong people.....I hope he continues to excel!
Congratulations on the great news. And here I thought you were going to tell us about your new sex toy, or your latest fetish adventure. Shame on me. :D
I'm beginning to take it personally. This board keeps logging me out mid-post. :mad:
Thanks guys...I know there's nothing worse than a proud mom, but I couldn't help myself! :rolleyes:

Trail..oops, I let it slip again!:)

TC42 and ScarlettRose...thank you so much!;)

GR8...thank you, I am *still* squealing! :D

orwell...you are so in my head. When I get a new toy, you know I will be right here just "uunnhhh~ing and ohhhhh~ing". :D

Thanks again!:rose:
intrigued said:
I just have to tell someone, so pardon me. :(

My son is in the 8th grade, and started this school year the first week in August. Though he is in the Gifted/Talented program, (MERIT) for the last 2 years he has really struggled with it, and with most all of his classes. The fallout from my marriage ending and all the emotional crap he went through with my ex really took a toll on him, and he was no longer on the Honor Roll, as he had been every year.
However, today he came home and told me that the principal at his school picked him to move ahead to 9th grade classes in Math and English!!!:D *squeals* I am so tickled!!! I have no idea where the child got these brains from, :eek: but hot damn, he is something else!:)
He also has been selected to be on the Algebra Team. (They compete against other schools.)
What is making me so proud is to see how he has persevered and come through all of this, and is now doing so well. ;)

Thank you for listening...I just had to share. :)

That is excellent news. I am sure you are well pleased and it is quite justified.

Alec, my son, is a 7th Grade student and has begun Algebra this year (forcing me to study to help him out). He has also been selected to participate in some pilot program for Duke University and next month will take the SAT test as part of that program.

I, naturally, am well pleased.

I share your joy and pride. :)
It's so nice to hear good news for a change. Enjoy the feeling, you deserve it.
Uh oh.

He just came in and reminded me that he has his first Algebra Team meeting tomorrow after school, and informed me that he would be writing me a note to remind me. :) I said "OK, leave it on the kitchen table." He said, 'No, I'll put it on the computer".

Ummm.....yep, you get the picture. :)

Thanks, LL and Storm, good news is so very nice to get, especially when its with regard to our children. ;)
LL, I know you must be so proud. :rose:
It's so easy to please the women in your life as a child; just be yourself.

Somehow, that doesn't apply when you get older.

Or does it? ;)

Congratulations, hon. :)
hehe, My kids leave notes on my computer too, and one day when i was in a really bad mood my daughter made me a sign that said "do not deserb" and put it on my desk. I couldn't growl after that, lol.
intrigued said:
Uh oh.

He just came in and reminded me that he has his first Algebra Team meeting tomorrow after school, and informed me that he would be writing me a note to remind me. :) I said "OK, leave it on the kitchen table." He said, 'No, I'll put it on the computer".

Ummm.....yep, you get the picture. :)

Thanks, LL and Storm, good news is so very nice to get, especially when its with regard to our children. ;)
LL, I know you must be so proud. :rose:

I am just a bit concerned that he is getting a bit stressed. He read, wrote, translated German and worked math all weekend. I finally made him stop and go play. He is 12....

I worry that he is getting too sucked in to academia and missing some fun stuff. You have to balance.

Of course, Margot read me the whole 12 page version of the Riot Act later LOL. But He loved roller blading with dad :)
Don't apologize for being proud of your kids, intrigued!!!

That's wonderful news! My biggest concern the past few months is that my daughter come through all of this without too much damage. So far, so good. Sounds like you've done a wonderful job with yours and you have every right to be excited!! It's nice to hear some good news for a change. :D
Black_Bird said:
It's so easy to please the women in your life as a child; just be yourself.

Somehow, that doesn't apply when you get older.

Or does it? ;)

Congratulations, hon. :)

Yes, it does apply. ;)

Thanks dear!:rose:

Scarlettrose...lol, that is TOO sweet! :heart:

sanjuaneros...thank you, I'll pass that on to him.:)

LL...sounds like you did the right thing. :)

cutie pie...its so hard to get in their heads and know that they are OK emotionally. It took a very long time, but yes, I'd say he is in a really good place inside.;)
Thanks sweetie...how was your weekend? *notes the big grins above* :D
Hi Lady! Thanks for sharing your good news with us! I could tell how proud you are!

I know you're a wonderful mother! :rose:
intrigued said:

LL...sounds like you did the right thing. :)

Well, I thank you for that. I took Margot lunch at work today, a check to cover the SAT fee, and the short version of the Riot Act for future reference :)

Of late, it seems, that I am often NOT doing the right thing... But, we always push forward, look ahead, and (as grandmama used to say) "keep a stiff upper lip" :)

I hope you are doing well. I must go see what has been happening in your "Hi..." thread. I have had many emails from there today. :)
intrigued said:

cutie pie...its so hard to get in their heads and know that they are OK emotionally. It took a very long time, but yes, I'd say he is in a really good place inside.;)
Thanks sweetie...how was your weekend? *notes the big grins above* :D

It is hard. . .my daughter is 9 and seems like she really thinks things over before she decides to talk about it. . .which usually happens while we're in the car. :rolleyes:

Weekend was fantastic. . .of course, I had to leave the toy at home so needless to say I raced home after work today! :cool: Did I mention that it's also waterproof? :eek:
Congrats Connie! Nothing seems to give you that feeling of fulfillment quite so well, as when your kids do something right. You must be so very proud!

CutiePie - get used to it. That's about the only place my daughter talks to me anymore. With the price of gas, it's an expensive way to learn about your kid's life - but very worth it.
Tantanah said:
Hi Lady! Thanks for sharing your good news with us! I could tell how proud you are!

I know you're a wonderful mother! :rose:

Thank you dear, and yes, I love my kiddies to pieces, and I am quite proud of both. :heart:

LL...keep that lip stiff, and yes, my thread has been hopping!:)

cutiepie...you left it at home???????:eek: *faints*
Oh, and mine is waterproof too...OMG, theres nothing like *that*, in water!;)
as long as your daughter is talking to you about things, all is well. ;)

Freya...Hi dear! Yes, you are absolutely correct, my heart just nods and grins when my kids seem to understand things, learn, and then apply what they have learned. Wow, that is the very best!:)
He has come a very, very long way.
Thanks so much. :rose:
Freya2 said:
CutiePie - get used to it. That's about the only place my daughter talks to me anymore. With the price of gas, it's an expensive way to learn about your kid's life - but very worth it.

I found it odd the first few times it happened. A friend suggested that she's feels more comfortable that way because I'm not able to give her my undivided attention. You're right - it is worth it. Whatever works. . .
Freya2 said:
Congrats Connie! Nothing seems to give you that feeling of fulfillment quite so well, as when your kids do something right. You must be so very proud!

While we all rightly should be proud that our children excell, we should not look to them to validate ourselves. We should raise them and help them push-off into the world. I expect my son to do right and do well. I am gratified he does.

I expect him to push off into the world in 6 years.

He has a long lineage of those who have achieved well.

It is in his blood-line.

I am not surprised. It is his destiny.
you should be proud and so should your son......heck look at his momma no wonder he has smarts.......:D