I am now a doctor!

Hi yayati, it's very nice to be back--and you're kind to be so welcoming. Thank you.
It's a long story and all water under the bridge, so to speak, now.

MY you've gotten a long sig block since the last time i've seen you.
How do you choose what to add to that area?
yayati? do remember a conversation we had a long long time ago about nicks, about the way people mess ours up sometimes?

as i recall, we agreed that we really didn't like it when people didn't get our names right.

have you changed your mind about that?
does it feel okay now to you when people mess up your name?

it still makes me feel bad.
yayati said:
I'll just prescribe you Ammoxcillin (500mg) for a week, and you should be better.

If you're not better, I'll suggest you go see another doctor.

Or I'll prescribe you a heavier dosage of Ammoxcillin
for what?