I am in-destructible

rosco rathbone

1. f3e5 2. g4??
Aug 30, 2002
I was electro-cuted yesterday at work while attempting to continuity-test a live 500 volt AC cable while standing under a waterfall of melting snow in wet clothes on a chainlink safety net.

It locked my hand onto the cable and paralyzed me for about 30 seconds. My foreman ripped my sweatshirt hood off trying to pull me off, then punted my hand right off. If he hadn't been there, I'd be dead.

At the ER they asked if I was an electrician. I thought that was funny. An electrician would never have done anything so stupid.

I would like to take this opportunity to give thanks and praise to my Higher Power, Jah Rastafari, for making me in-destructible. And lucky.
My grandmother always liked a bit of house current on occasion - she claimed it cleaned out the cobwebs in the mind.

That may be a little more than her recommended level.
mbb308 said:
My grandmother always liked a bit of house current on occasion - she claimed it cleaned out the cobwebs in the mind.

That may be a little more than her recommended level.

I've heard of people getting their kicks like that.

I am resting well and my appetite has returned, thank you very much for your concern Mona.

At work they are calling me "Frankenstein".
Say thanks to Jah - I think s/he earned it.

Obviously, HP isn't done with you yet.