I am going to kill my husband...


Dirty Pomegranate
May 7, 2002
if he does NOT stop reading me bits of the newspaper.

Does he think that I've suddenly been rendered unable to read? Or that perhaps I'm not going to read the newspaper tonight, as I do every single fucking night of my life?

And yes, he knows this is a pet peeve of mine. I have a brother who does the same thing and I've mentioned it regarding him on several occassions.

Nora said:
if he does NOT stop reading me bits of the newspaper.

Does he think that I've suddenly been rendered unable to read? Or that perhaps I'm not going to read the newspaper tonight, as I do every single fucking night of my life?

And yes, he knows this is a pet peeve of mine. I have a brother who does the same thing and I've mentioned it regarding him on several occassions.


Way kwel that will leave you unattached and able to roam at will pay up the life insurance and i will send him more newsapapers:)

If you kill your husband, then it will be all over the news(paper).

badasschick said:
Perhaps this is his way of sharing with you.

Probably. Ok, how about I just shove the goddamned newspaper down his throat instead of murder?

Hi Mike =) That would still leave you and I with a problem, however... :D
Since I now know that you will probably kill him...can I have his toys? Huh? Pretty please with sugar on top? A man can always use more toys.:D
But I thought couples were suppose to have communitcation. Lots and lots of communication
Agent99 said:
If you kill your husband, then it will be all over the news(paper).


yes, but I'll be able to read about it all by myself!

Well, me and Big Maude, of course. She looks lovely in TxDOC Orange...
Nora said:
Probably. Ok, how about I just shove the goddamned newspaper down his throat instead of murder?

Hi Mike =) That would still leave you and I with a problem, however... :D


Go with your first thoughts .

curious2c said:
Since I now know that you will probably kill him...can I have his toys? Huh? Pretty please with sugar on top? A man can always use more toys.:D

He's got 7,000 albums you're welcome to have. Of course, they're almost all classical. :rolleyes:
michaelmt1 said:

Go with your first thoughts .


Psst...the life insurance is paid up. I already checked! lol
For the sake of peace and harmony on the GB please DO NOT use a Bushmaster or any other "assult rifle"! For that matter, DO NOT use a firearm at all! Do you have a large kitchen knife available for the task? :D
Send him to my house, I love being read to. You can have my husband when he's in the mood to tell me ALL about his last game of Diablo II.
Re: Re: I am going to kill my husband...

ma_guy said:
For the sake of peace and harmony on the GB please DO NOT use a Bushmaster or any other "assult rifle"! For that matter, DO NOT use a firearm at all! Do you have a large kitchen knife available for the task? :D

Nah, too messy.

Although if he does it again tonight I swear it's gonna be hands around the throat coupled with me screaming like a banshee.

(cuz it was REALLY important that i know about the nursing habits of kangaroos RIGHT now. It simply couldn't wait until I read it for myself. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!)
sunstruck said:
Send him to my house, I love being read to. You can have my husband when he's in the mood to tell me ALL about his last game of Diablo II.

No, that'd be a killing offense right now, too. lol

Basically, I just don't feel like talking or listening to someone talk right now. He's been in this weird babbling mode lately. I don't even pretend to understand it.

Like ok...we carpool. I've been so freakin' tired from the training sessions at my new gig (and the whole getting up at 6am thang) that I've been passing out in the car on the way home. So I'm lying there. Eyes closed. Dead to the world. He starts telling me about something? Uh...hello? It can't wait 'til I'm making dinner or something? Yes, I wanna hear, but not RIGHT THAT MOMENT.
Good, cause then we can run off together. You me and 99, all the way to Mexico baby.
sunstruck said:
Send him to my house, I love being read to. You can have my husband when he's in the mood to tell me ALL about his last game of Diablo II.

And what is wrong Diablo II ? Why dont women seem to be interested in chatting about the game.......It is intertesting No really it is Interesting.

Don't kill him, just mix some sedatives into his dinner and knock his ass out for a few hours.

*laughing* Nora i so know what you mean, except my husband just wants to poke and tease till i just want to scream!!! I feel for ya! Hope things get better!.. A few very deep breaths!
I'm actually liking Red Rose's comments and thinking about taking up her advice!!! Atleast ill get one night of peace!:D
Re: Re: I am going to kill my husband...

Rubyfruit said:
Good, cause then we can run off together. You me and 99, all the way to Mexico baby.

Mexico ain't that far, baby!

Michael, it's boring as hell if you don't play.

Roseymuffin, come save meeeeee! Seditives, eh? Hrm. Like rat poison, ya think? That might work.

TxGirl, thank you =) It's times like this for which earplugs were invented.
how about this, record each of his albums over each other then play that recording for him. He will be able to hear ALL of his albums at once and...explode into space..Born to be mild
curious2c said:
how about this, record each of his albums over each other then play that recording for him. He will be able to hear ALL of his albums at once and...explode into space..Born to be mild

I could fall in lust with you. Ain't nothing like a devious mind coupled with freak-ay kisses!

Umm...actually, is that possible without mixing equipment?