i am babysitting the twins.


Ex porn
Oct 2, 2004
This shit is easy. They eat and sleep at the same time.
I have no idea which is which...

Also, there needs to be a law about sleeping with your eyes open.

Bless their creepy li'l hearts :heart:
One of my best friends has creepy, creepy twin daughters. Blond hair, blue eyed, children of the damned kids. And they know they're creepy. They do creepy shit like speak in unison.

"Come play with us, Uncle Vince. Come play with us forever and ever."

I am not afraid of three year olds, I am not afraid of three year olds...

I'm 90% sure that one of them is going to grow up to be a serial killer. They're... shit how old are they now? Anyway, when she was smaller, she came up to me and was explaining that if she were to murder someone, they couldn't use DNA evidence against her because she and her sister had the same DNA. She also got into a conversation with her dad one time about making clothes out of human skin. And he absolutely could not get her to say that she wouldn't do that.
One of my best friends has creepy, creepy twin daughters. Blond hair, blue eyed, children of the damned kids. And they know they're creepy. They do creepy shit like speak in unison.

"Come play with us, Uncle Vince. Come play with us forever and ever."

I am not afraid of three year olds, I am not afraid of three year olds...

I'm 90% sure that one of them is going to grow up to be a serial killer. They're... shit how old are they now? Anyway, when she was smaller, she came up to me and was explaining that if she were to murder someone, they couldn't use DNA evidence against her because she and her sister had the same DNA. She also got into a conversation with her dad one time about making clothes out of human skin. And he absolutely could not get her to say that she wouldn't do that.
Suddenly, I want a twin!
Sis and I pull off the creepy twin act pretty well....we used to freak people the fuck out so we didn't have to put up with adults and their bullshit lol good times.