I Am A Royal Fuck Up NEED ADVICE!!!

Girl, I totally sympathize. Being bisexual and from a small town myself, I know where you're coming from. My parents hated it, and the town I lived in was NOT ready. I moved away and was able to be me, and I'm MUCH happier for it. My mom grew to accept it and my dad, well, he dont' care about much. Now that everyone knows, I'm much happier. I just had to realize that this is MY life, not anyone else's, and how I choose to live it is up to me.

I hope things work out for you, and if you ever need to talk, feel free to IM me. Take care and God bless.

That is a really sticky situation, you probably should have just stayed "out of the closet" the first time and dealt with the consequences then...but hindsight is 20/20 I suppose.

Good luck with whatever it is you decide to do.
I can't help you but the best of luck how ever you go :kiss:muahhh
First, stop telling yourself that you're abnormal. Learn to accept your sexual tendencies first, then determine how you will live with them.

Your friends already know the truth. You might think you've convinced them that you were testing their trust, but it's likely that anyone who believed you would doubt their trust, won't be your friend anymore. The friends remaining to you would probably appreciate your honesty. They're not likely to think they are being tested again, because they didn't buy it the first time.

Your religious beliefs may be driving you toward lesbianism, since breaking taboos is often stimulating. Have you talked to a religious authority figure (rabbi, priest, minister)? You can be sure they've heard it all before, and would be able to offer you some kind of advice.

Your family has known you from Day One, and if you've had a normal childhood, you've given them plenty of grief already. I'm sure they'll get past it and learn to accept, especially if you approach the subject with maturity and respect.
That is all very good advice, and well taken. I did move. To the biggest city in my state, so it'll be a lot easier to be anonymous here. Yeah, my friends did buy it... I'm sure they think I'm in denial. They haven't really talked to me about it. Just given a knowing nod. Thanks again.:D