Have you ever tried to figure out just how much time you spend here?
Look at your post total...and then average the writing of all of those posts to about 2 minutes each (yes, I know that some take less than 30 seconds...but others can take as long as 5 minutes at times).
Do you receive/send PMs? How many people do you PM with on a regular basis? How many do you get per hour...per day...per week...per month? How many minutes do you spend writing and reading those PMs?
I have deliberately reduced my post count since the 1st of the year. Some days have had 0 posts...usually I allowed myself only 5 posts/day (except for Monday when I hit 10)...I turned off my PMs on January 2.
Over the last week I have realized that I am not quite as diehard a GBer as I thought I was. I haven't shrivelled up into a prune...I haven't gotten the shakes...hell, I haven't even missed it... especially with the continuous shit that happens around here. I even read a few drama threads before I wrote this and didn't even feel compelled to add my 1/2 cent.
What about you? How much of a diehard GBer are you...really?
Look at your post total...and then average the writing of all of those posts to about 2 minutes each (yes, I know that some take less than 30 seconds...but others can take as long as 5 minutes at times).
Do you receive/send PMs? How many people do you PM with on a regular basis? How many do you get per hour...per day...per week...per month? How many minutes do you spend writing and reading those PMs?
I have deliberately reduced my post count since the 1st of the year. Some days have had 0 posts...usually I allowed myself only 5 posts/day (except for Monday when I hit 10)...I turned off my PMs on January 2.
Over the last week I have realized that I am not quite as diehard a GBer as I thought I was. I haven't shrivelled up into a prune...I haven't gotten the shakes...hell, I haven't even missed it... especially with the continuous shit that happens around here. I even read a few drama threads before I wrote this and didn't even feel compelled to add my 1/2 cent.
What about you? How much of a diehard GBer are you...really?