I am 6 yards away from a naked Kiwiwolf right now...

T.H. Oughts

Oh the thoughts of Oughts
Nov 8, 2001
But he is under the covers in bed... what should I do to him????

1. Pour a cup of cold water over him?
2. Me drink the coffee I just made for him?
3. Send the kids in to jump all over the bed?
4. Other????
Tie him up and write naughty things on his body, then take pics for your scrapbook.
P. B. Walker said:
Tie him up and write naughty things on his body, then take pics for your scrapbook.

Are you saying I should get out my sewing needles and make him a new tattoo?????
T.H. Oughts said:
But he is under the covers in bed... what should I do to him????

1. Pour a cup of cold water over him?
2. Me drink the coffee I just made for him?
3. Send the kids in to jump all over the bed?
4. Other????

Send the kids in with cups of cold water to jump on the bed as you sit back quietly sipping his coffee and watch the chaos.


btw....i'm just a tad jealous ;)
#3 is always good, just tell the kids to duck fast in case he comes up swinging!
T.H. Oughts said:
Are you saying I should get out my sewing needles and make him a new tattoo?????

I was thinking of a magic marker... but hey... what ever floats your boat. LOL.


Re: Re: I am 6 yards away from a naked Kiwiwolf right now...

*goddess*emi* said:
Send the kids in with cups of cold water to jump on the bed as you sit back quietly sipping his coffee and watch the chaos.
The kids know he has a large block of chocolate in the fridge that they want some of, so I don't think they will be too mean to him.... :)
tell them that he said he'd give them the chocolate if they woke him up now.
plasticman33 said:
#3 is always good, just tell the kids to duck fast in case he comes up swinging!

The last thing this guy would do is take a swing at the kids.... but I know enough cold water they would hear the tome in his voice. :)
J.B. said:
tell them that he said he'd give them the chocolate if they woke him up now.

I told KW to bribe them and tell them that when their bedrooms are clean they can finish off the block....

We adults are not dumb in this household. :D
Re: Re: I am 6 yards away from a naked Kiwiwolf right now...

juicylips said:
I am sooooo jealous.;)

You're not the only one. I know exactly what I'd do with him in that situation. *roarrrr*
T.H. Oughts said:
I told KW to bribe them and tell them that when their bedrooms are clean they can finish off the block....

We adults are not dumb in this household. :D
oh ok finw
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Let the man sleep. Damn women always cuddling and spooning and walking us up and shit.

Hey Mr Oughts woke me this morning with the spooning thing so just don't blame us women!! :)

JL and Ruby.... come on down ladies!!! :D
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Let the man sleep. Damn women always cuddling and spooning and walking us up and shit.


I can see my book is going to come in quite handy for you when it's done.
plasticman33 said:
I'd have suggested #4 and explained, but Mia would get really pissed at me.:D
I don't think Mr Oughts would be to impressed with what you would have in mind either... :)
Dixon Carter Lee said:
Let the man sleep. Damn women always cuddling and spooning and walking us up and shit.

We are such an annoying gender.
*goddess*emi* said:
We are such an annoying gender.

But the fools keep coming back for more.... :D

Ok I've got to leave the room now so KW can get out of the bed with some dignity... just a shame I cant stay here with a rear view mirrow on my computer screen. *chuckles*