I’m so old I remember…

Computer punch cards, which were used to program main frame computers. Each card was one instruction, and a whole program consisted of dozens and dozens, if not hundreds, of cards. Once created they were loaded into a hopper on a reader, and woe to the person who dropped that deck of cards!
Saturday morning
I am not old enough to remember when these were produced, but when I was in middle school they were still around and working. Technically, pocket calculators were invented by then and existed in other parts of the world, but not behind the iron curtain. My school library had an arithmometer like the one in the picture and a small group of kids that was always hanging out there to help with this or that was taught to use it.

I am not old enough to remember when these were produced, but when I was in middle school they were still around and working. Technically, pocket calculators were invented by then and existed in other parts of the world, but not behind the iron curtain. My school library had an arithmometer like the one in the picture and a small group of kids that was always hanging out there to help with this or that was taught to use it.

I've never seen something like that before.
Being the remote control for the TV. Mom or Dad would tell us to get up and change the station or volume. Or better yet move the rabbit ears antennae that seemed to only get a good picture while holding them, so they'd say just stand right there! So much for enjoying a laid back night of TV.
Being the remote control for the TV. Mom or Dad would tell us to get up and change the station or volume. Or better yet move the rabbit ears antennae that seemed to only get a good picture while holding them, so they'd say just stand right there! So much for enjoying a laid back night of TV.
We all did that
When Euclidian mathematics and geometry were the only commonly accepted investigate tools used in all mainstream theoretical ponderings of why? & How?
It is very unlikely that you can remember that as statistics was invented and rather widely used as a scientific tool pretty early in the 20th century. By 1940s clinical trials became The Thing, and even before that it was used for public health research.
I went to see who was making similar ones in the US, found the right looking picture in the Smithsonian and ... it turned out to be a Russian one, i.e. the direct parent of the one that I have used LOL

Thank you for looking that up. We didn't use it in school when I went...strange looking contraption...but it must have worked well enough...
I am not old enough to remember when these were produced, but when I was in middle school they were still around and working. Technically, pocket calculators were invented by then and existed in other parts of the world, but not behind the iron curtain. My school library had an arithmometer like the one in the picture and a small group of kids that was always hanging out there to help with this or that was taught to use it.

I thought it was a very advanced pencil sharpener.

26 cent gasoline...Put one dollar's worth in every Friday....at the end of summer....FILLED to the brim...could only get 67 cents in! VW bus! 36 horsepower engine