I’m gonna get deep


Skype Money99j
Nov 16, 2007
So me and my wife are going through a renaissance. We’re asking “why not” instead of “why”. We’re venturing out and dipping our toes in the water of what it means to go outside of our marriage. We both have a “friend” that we talk to. We’re still in the flirting stage. We haven’t taken the plunge into actually doing anything physical but the more we push the envelope the more we feel closer and the more we have sex(literally daily sex). It’s been great for us so far. I’m still looking for the downside. Is there a downside?
First congratulations on open and honest communication!

So the downside that jumps out at me is what if one of you is happier with your “friend”?
First congratulations on open and honest communication!

So the downside that jumps out at me is what if one of you is happier with your “friend”?
Thank you for the response. By “happier” do you mean one of us is enjoying their new friend more and the other feels left out?
Thank you for the response. By “happier” do you mean one of us is enjoying their new friend more and the other feels left out?
Yes, or developing deeper feelings. What if she falls in love with her friend and wants to move forward with him?
Again, thanks for replying.

That’s the thing, we’ve been together so long that I think we’re both so secure and confident that we’re not going anywhere. I’m confident that she doesn’t want to start over. She just likes the excitement of something new. Same with her, she doesn’t think I’m going anywhere. She likes seeing me having a connection with someone I like
Again, thanks for replying.

That’s the thing, we’ve been together so long that I think we’re both so secure and confident that we’re not going anywhere. I’m confident that she doesn’t want to start over. She just likes the excitement of something new. Same with her, she doesn’t think I’m going anywhere. She likes seeing me having a connection with someone I like
That’s great! I wish you both the best!
When my husband and I first ventured into a threesome. I did end up enjoying the other guy a little more than I expected. Sexually. It became a thing where I wanted him more and did end up developing feelings. Obviously not planned. But I should have known myself better and know that feelings come easy for me. I thought for sure we'd end up living this life of husband, boyfriend and happy Sassy. :unsure:
When my husband and I first ventured into a threesome. I did end up enjoying the other guy a little more than I expected. Sexually. It became a thing where I wanted him more and did end up developing feelings. Obviously not planned. But I should have known myself better and know that feelings come easy for me. I thought for sure we'd end up living this life of husband, boyfriend and happy Sassy. :unsure:
So what happened? Did it end? How did it end? I’d love to hear more details
Just gotta make sure your other connections don’t lead to strong emotional investments, at the detriment of your marriage.
It’s easy to say to each other that it’ll never happen, but it does.
I was in a relationship that seemed unbreakable. We took the plunge, communicated openly and honestly, laid ground rules and had a great time. We met great people and had great experiences, for half a decade it was blissful.

However, the emotional attachment to others ended up becoming too strong. It eventually led the end of the relationship, when the grass seemed greener elsewhere. Mind altering drugs became a catalyst for the end too.

Don’t mean to sound out doom and gloom, I know that it is possible to maintain a strong relationship in that lifestyle. Just sharing how mine spiralled.
Wish you both nothing but the best!
If I had started this thread, it’d have been “I’m gonna get a little more than shallow”
Shallow? What’s shallow about it? I’m married and me and me and my wife are looking at things through a different light. We’re not being normies. We’re exploring things together. I think that’s actually pretty deep.
I’m unclear as to whether your plan is to actually have physical sex with your new friends.
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I’m unclear as to whether your plan is to actually have physical as. With your new friends.
We’re not sure either. We’re taking it one step at a time and seeing where things lead
So, stumbled across this thread. Anything to report back?
Well, we’ve both been letting each other venture out a bit so to speak. She loves seeing me flirting with women. She likes seeing me being desired by other women. Likewise, I love seeing her talk and flirt. It’s been super exciting for us both