I’m going to snapshot all my story stats…


Word maker upperer
Aug 13, 2022
…that way I can remember what they used to be when my Loving Wives story gets published and the barbarian hordes have their way with my ratings.

Yes, I clearly have a death wish.

The story is called: Harper’s Reckoning

The tag-line is: Infidelity has consequences

On to non-consent next!

As hard as my LW story got hammered, I don't recall it affecting the ratings on my other stories much at all.

Of course, I wasn't some "uppity female" either. 🙄

EDIT FOR CLARIFICATION: I obviously am not MYSELF calling Emily an "uppity female."

Just predicting reactions to her LW story.
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I’m going to have that put on my tombstone 😊

In my twenties, a friend of mine used to almost always wear one of two teeshirts to parties when she knew I'd be there.

One said "come here often?" and the other "slippery when wet".

It was very much that kind of group of friends, but I do sometimes wonder what-if. I've never been very quick on the uptake.

Sigh. Regrets are endless as the grains of sand, and what-ifs are futile.
I have two Ts my bf bought me, neither is terribly lesbian-centric though.

In my twenties, a friend of mine used to almost always wear one of two teeshirts to parties when she knew I'd be there.

One said "come here often?" and the other "slippery when wet".

It was very much that kind of group of friends, but I do sometimes wonder what-if. I've never been very quick on the uptake.

Sigh. Regrets are endless as the grains of sand, and what-ifs are futile.
Ah, memories. I always prided myself on being the "safe" guy to be around: didn't drink, designated driver, always watching out for people at parties or clubs. I took a number of young women home that I thought, "man, she doesn't seem drunk, but I want to make sure she gets home safe." Even cuddled with a few and chatted until they fell asleep. They seemed so unhappy about their love lives, and they just needed a friendly shoulder to cry on, I was sure.

It wasn't until a female friend of mine took me aside and pointed out that, yes, the ladies in question wanted me to take them home FOR SEX because I was the safe, nonthreatening guy that I went "oooooooooh."

Why, yes, I am neurodivergent. Why do you ask?
Why, yes, I am neurodivergent. Why do you ask?
People are hard. I'm supposedly "normal", whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean, but I always joke that I hate people in advance because it saves time.

Edit: guy friends all say that they sometimes find subtlety very hard to decode, and they'd rather do nothing than inadvertently make a move on someone who isn't interested. Fair enough, I suppose.
Ah, memories. I always prided myself on being the "safe" guy to be around: didn't drink, designated driver, always watching out for people at parties or clubs. I took a number of young women home that I thought, "man, she doesn't seem drunk, but I want to make sure she gets home safe." Even cuddled with a few and chatted until they fell asleep. They seemed so unhappy about their love lives, and they just needed a friendly shoulder to cry on, I was sure.

It wasn't until a female friend of mine took me aside and pointed out that, yes, the ladies in question wanted me to take them home FOR SEX because I was the safe, nonthreatening guy that I went "oooooooooh."

Why, yes, I am neurodivergent. Why do you ask?

Clueless? Hi, I'm Oblivious. Nice to meet you.
...guy friends all say that they sometimes find subtlety very hard to decode, and they'd rather do nothing than inadvertently make a move on someone who isn't interested.

The story of my dating life. I screwed-up badly with both sides of this. There were a couple of awesome ladies in those years I did not want to offend that were, in retrospect, dropping big hints they wanted more with me. One was definitely "the one that got away", and she was dropping more than hints. Yes, regrets, but I wasn't ready at the time. Current lady won that particular prize.
Edit: guy friends all say that they sometimes find subtlety very hard to decode, and they'd rather do nothing than inadvertently make a move on someone who isn't interested. Fair enough, I suppose.

I enjoy subtlety. It makes the pursuit more interesting. Many men have difficulty with it, I think, because they have a hard time paying attention to what's being communicated.

There's a knife's-edge with romantic pursuit. We don't want to be rebuffed, or to be baffled. But at the same time it's more fun if there's a little effort involved.
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…that way I can remember what they used to be when my Loving Wives story gets published and the barbarian hordes have their way with my ratings.

Yes, I clearly have a death wish.

The story is called: Harper’s Reckoning

The tag-line is: Infidelity has consequences

On to non-consent next!

An old saying from my dad: "You fuck with the bull, you get the horns." Sometimes though it's just way too much of a temptation not to chance it and fuck with them.

People are hard. I'm supposedly "normal", whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean, but I always joke that I hate people in advance because it saves time.

Edit: guy friends all say that they sometimes find subtlety very hard to decode, and they'd rather do nothing than inadvertently make a move on someone who isn't interested. Fair enough, I suppose.
Yep. A synonym of subtle is indistinct. Indistinct is an action that can be translated many different ways depending on the person doing so. As far as making a move on someone who isn't interested, even the toughest guy gets tired of rejection, or doesn't want to chance destroying a thing. And sometimes, under that hard shell exterior is hiding a softy that takes it personally and gets hurt easily. Most times with guys like that they keep it hidden well enough you never, ever get to see that hurt.
I can never tell when a woman is flirting with me. My wife made the first move when we met.
Yeah, my wife told me I was oblivious to women flirting with me unless it was blatant. She tried to point it out a couple of times but I could never see it. I was either blind to it, or she was imagining it.

An old saying from my dad: "You fuck with the bull, you get the horns." Sometimes though it's just way too much of a temptation not to chance it and fuck with them.
The worst they can do is make me cry. It’s on-line FFS.

And we shall answer the age old quandary, is BTB as troll rewarding if she climbs atop the funeral pyre herself?

Bring marshmallows.