

Nov 7, 2002
Just a quick note. . . .

When submitting a story, it may be advisable to turn off hyphenation in whetever program you use as your text editor.

My last submission, when posted showed the hyphenated words together, not on different lines, with the hyphen seperating them.

Example: sub-mission

This will only result in negative feedback telling you what a terrible writer you are (I have the emails to prove it).
Should we ask Sub Joe :confused:

As noted elsewhere, Subs are not too swift in carrying out their missions. :(
My last submission, when posted showed the hyphenated words together, not on different lines, with the hyphen seperating them.

A good point, to which I'll add, "turn off almost all of the formatting features of your word processor because Lit doesn't use full justifiction, paragrph indents, or fixed margins."

Lit is one of the few sites formatted so that the View -> Text Size settings in IE5 changes the way the paragraphs wrap to the margins properly. Your wordprocesser can't match Lit's formatting exactly and your story will NOT have the same line breaks that the word proceser shows.
Could have been worse

Could have been a sub-emission.

(Is that like sub-par sex?)