Husband-wife teacher teamwork


Literotica Guru
Jan 7, 2014
They look for candidates among the student body (18 and over, of course, naturally, definitely, positively, goes without saying - only it seems it's thought we must say it each time for fear of possible dire consequences...) into whom they can get their lustful hooks. Perhaps their focus may be on those well-developed physically but still naive in the ways of the adult world.

They consult each other, making notes, weighing up pros and cons, perhaps making guarded, outwardly innocent approaches to other members of staff for opinion/information on the candidates in question or even contacting the parents in apparently academic-centered enquiries.

School trips/activities or offers to give individual coaching may come into play. The result is that the guest beds back at the teachers' home get plenty of use.
With the slightest of adjustments, you could avoid the problems associated with high school by putting them in a university (or perhaps community college) setting. An advantage to this is that their "prospects" can be away from home for the first time, with no watchdog parents. Perhaps having to manage their money on their own for the first time - meaning the prospect of a free meal carries a lot more weight than it did a year earlier. There would also be the factor that they went from being seniors in high school, those who know the score, what's what, etc ... to being back on the bottom and more lost and naive at college.

But yeah, good idea for a story, with LOTS of potential for a large variety of adventures. M/m, F/m, MF/m, M/f, F/f, MF/f, MF/mf, etc etc etc = you get the idea.
This a great idea and DOME makes some good points.

I'd set it at a community college, specifically on the tennis teams. Most community colleges don't have full athletic programs due to budget but tennis is very common. This provides young athletic students of both sexes, to the lecherous hands of coaches, faculty, parents and boosters. I'd use the boosters though as the driving force behind it all. Wealthy folks who support the athletics programs with donations of money, or to offer the kids after school jobs, or provide transportation to, or pay for hotels while at competitions.

"James, Marcy! Great news! Now you know the Smiths are our biggest patrons, and they have invited you to their mansion for an afternoon and dinner. They want to reward you for your outstanding performance in Gainesville last weekend. Be sure to pack your bathing suits, their pool is magnificent!"

Of course, the coach would only send the students they thought would be open to some extra-curricular activities with the handsome mature couple. The students arrive to find their female coach is already there with the couple, and they are all wearing the tiniest swimsuits. Shenanigans ensue.
With all due respect to post #2, I think I'd keep it at secondary school level which eighteen year olds do still attend here in the UK... especially those having to take 'resits'. The atmosphere of naivety appeals to me.

A really great idea, as mentioned, with all kinds of possibilities. Have you thought of that of the whole (or a large section) of the staff being 'in' on this, rather than just a furtive married couple? Seems a natural to me.
Another super idea, SP. PM sent.

I can imagine what end-of-year hi-jinks might ensue from some cool-headed planning. School days might well finish with a "bang"!
Fun idea. And so many possibilities (although managing that many characters may be a challenge). I kinda think it's more fun if they're the only two of the staff in on it. Having to deal with the riskiness and trying to get wild while being discreet can add some plot points.

There's the initial element of the two teachers getting to hook up with all the young studs/studettes that's sexy, but there's also a "coaching" element - encouraging the girls to be slutty for the basketball team after a big win (and hosting a house party for them to act on it), teaching both sexes to give great oral, and getting pictures and video of it all.

"I did it, Miss Vincent!! I deep throated Kevin's entire dick and didn't flinch when he shot his load on me. Look how good I look in this video! Please tell Mr. Vincent thank you for helping me practice. Kevin says thanks, too! See ya in class, tomorrow."
Fun idea. And so many possibilities (although managing that many characters may be a challenge). I kinda think it's more fun if they're the only two of the staff

There's the initial element of the two teachers getting to hook up with all the young studs/studettes that's sexy, but there's also a "coaching" element - encouraging the girls to be slutty for the basketball team after a big win (and hosting a house party for them to act on it), teaching both sexes to give great oral, and getting pictures and video of it all.

"I did it, Miss Vincent!! I deep throated Kevin's entire dick and didn't flinch when he shot his load on me. Look how good I look in this video! Please tell Mr. Vincent thank you for helping me practice. Kevin says thanks, too! See ya in class, tomorrow."

Yes but passing more than somewhat over that indefinable barrier from the vaguely conceivable to the downright incredible where a lot of people (poor, benighted souls who will insist foolishly on actually trying to enjoy the read rather than struggling full time with the disbelief) tune out.
With all due respect to post #2, I think I'd keep it at secondary school level which eighteen year olds do still attend here in the UK... especially those having to take 'resits'. The atmosphere of naivety appeals to me.

A really great idea, as mentioned, with all kinds of possibilities. Have you thought of that of the whole (or a large section) of the staff being 'in' on this, rather than just a furtive married couple? Seems a natural to me.

My own preference would be to keep this to a couple rather than involving the whole staff which sounds a bit "industrial".

The machinations of the pair within the school to achieve their ends could be engrossing to follow. I would try to bring out the references to their having done this successfully over a number of years (keeping some kind of "trophy" collection?) and following their pursuit of a particular male and female this year. Maybe the female target is persuaded to be inseminated..?
I'd set it at a community college, specifically on the tennis teams. Most community colleges don't have full athletic programs due to budget but tennis is very common. This provides young athletic students of both sexes, to the lecherous hands of coaches, faculty, parents and boosters. I'd use the boosters though as the driving force behind it all. Wealthy folks who support the athletics programs with donations of money, or to offer the kids after school jobs, or provide transportation to, or pay for hotels while at competitions.

Some time ago I read a long story or series (I think here, but maybe elsewhere, it started in the summer before senior year of high school). A guy was contracted to be a rich neighbor girl's personal trainer, and part of own kink, part of circumstances (I think his household went through the extremely silly, but somehow popular "now that our youngest son is 18 we reveal we are habitual nudist outside his known, and ban clothes at home" moment) make her run on the trails in the woods behind their houses naked with him. On one such runs they encounter their schools females tennis coach, and to their surprise she was not outraged, but intrigued, and instead invited the girl to try out for the team. Subsequently, he become the girl's tennis team's designated driver. When they go on a meets tour, the coach had a knack to know how to find or organize opportunities for several naked tennis games with the opponents (I doubt any of those was on-record, rather friendly for-fun plays). I think afterwards it descended into incestuous kitchen sink debacle I lost interest in, but the tour part was extremely fun. Reframing it on the coach would be interesting too.
My own preference would be to keep this to a couple rather than involving the whole staff which sounds a bit "industrial".

The machinations of the pair within the school to achieve their ends could be engrossing to follow. I would try to bring out the references to their having done this successfully over a number of years (keeping some kind of "trophy" collection?) and following their pursuit of a particular male and female this year. Maybe the female target is persuaded to be inseminated..?

Yes, liking both of those thoughts. If they 'identify a female 'target' who has definite maternal tendencies but who has been rigidly pushed away from these by family and friends, they might be on 'fertile territory'!