Hunter Get's Sweetheart Deal, Dad's Credibility Is Destroyed


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

How Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal eviscerates his father’s credibility​

News Analysis: Joe Biden’s persistent claims that his son did nothing wrong, that his laptop was Russian disinformation and he never met son’s partners have all been destroyed

By John Solomon

Updated: June 20, 2023 - 12:45pm

In his job interview with voters during the 2020 election, Joe Biden assured Americans that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, he never had any dealings with his family’s business partners and that his son was innocent of any wrongdoings.

While the first two claims were shattered long ago, the 46th president has held firm on the last. “My son has done nothing wrong,” he proclaimed just a few short weeks ago.

The criminal information filed Tuesday in federal court charging Hunter Biden with intentionally avoiding payment of federal taxes and lying about his drug use to buy a handgun debunks Joe Biden’s last line of defense.

Conservatives from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on down derided the plea agreement as a “sweetheart deal” and a “traffic ticket” emblematic of a “two-tiered” justice system because it spares Hunter Biden from prison while leaving Donald Trump facing hundreds of years in prison on 71 felonies in two separate indictments.

More here:

Joe and his crime family are a national disgrace.
The charges were for taxes and guns. It doesn't mean no other charges will be filed nor that any other investigations have concluded
The charges were for taxes and guns. It doesn't mean no other charges will be filed nor that any other investigations have concluded
Hunter won't spend a day in custody and Joe will pardon him and the rest of his crime family before leaving office.
Why don't any of you Lit Deplorables know how to use apostrophes?

It's a literature site. 🤔
It's always the ones who yammer on about education standards, too. Particularly of a certain demographic. ;)

Hunter won't spend a day in custody and Joe will pardon him and the rest of his crime family before leaving office.
Would make a wager on the above highlighted hyperbolic bullshit never happening, but you and your ballzack knows you'd never take it. :ROFLMAO:

How Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal eviscerates his father’s credibility​

News Analysis: Joe Biden’s persistent claims that his son did nothing wrong, that his laptop was Russian disinformation and he never met son’s partners have all been destroyed

By John Solomon

Updated: June 20, 2023 - 12:45pm

In his job interview with voters during the 2020 election, Joe Biden assured Americans that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, he never had any dealings with his family’s business partners and that his son was innocent of any wrongdoings.

While the first two claims were shattered long ago, the 46th president has held firm on the last. “My son has done nothing wrong,” he proclaimed just a few short weeks ago.

The criminal information filed Tuesday in federal court charging Hunter Biden with intentionally avoiding payment of federal taxes and lying about his drug use to buy a handgun debunks Joe Biden’s last line of defense.

Conservatives from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on down derided the plea agreement as a “sweetheart deal” and a “traffic ticket” emblematic of a “two-tiered” justice system because it spares Hunter Biden from prison while leaving Donald Trump facing hundreds of years in prison on 71 felonies in two separate indictments.

More here:

Joe and his crime family are a national disgrace.
"Joe and his crime family are a national disgrace."

Besides having abso-fucking-lutely NO evidence for this last statement, do we know of ANY other presidential family's business that has benefited from the office?!

C'mon now honey, even for you, this should not be a hard one!
Hunter won't spend a day in custody and Joe will pardon him and the rest of his crime family before leaving office.
Yes, I get that is your expectation.

Your track record on predictions is shit.
Congressional Republicans should definitely investigate U.S. Attorney David Weiss for this sweetheart deal. Just who appointed him, anyway?? :unsure:

How Hunter Biden’s ‘sweetheart’ plea deal eviscerates his father’s credibility​

News Analysis: Joe Biden’s persistent claims that his son did nothing wrong, that his laptop was Russian disinformation and he never met son’s partners have all been destroyed

By John Solomon

Updated: June 20, 2023 - 12:45pm

In his job interview with voters during the 2020 election, Joe Biden assured Americans that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, he never had any dealings with his family’s business partners and that his son was innocent of any wrongdoings.

While the first two claims were shattered long ago, the 46th president has held firm on the last. “My son has done nothing wrong,” he proclaimed just a few short weeks ago.

The criminal information filed Tuesday in federal court charging Hunter Biden with intentionally avoiding payment of federal taxes and lying about his drug use to buy a handgun debunks Joe Biden’s last line of defense.

Conservatives from House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on down derided the plea agreement as a “sweetheart deal” and a “traffic ticket” emblematic of a “two-tiered” justice system because it spares Hunter Biden from prison while leaving Donald Trump facing hundreds of years in prison on 71 felonies in two separate indictments.

More here:

Joe and his crime family are a national disgrace.
Now, President Joe Biden will never be President. 😢
Just reiterating what was said that was Russian disinformation- the laptop itself has never been declared disinformation. The data being made public as far as being Hunter's from the laptop as well as what the assertions about that data have been, are what have been mentioned as disinformation.

Once the laptop was confirmed to be Hunter's and to be authentic by multiple sources, no one has said otherwise
RG: Ya know... This was a topic of discussion like all day yesterday as the news first came out.
Folks waited for those who support the right to even join in, but, of course, we had to wait a day until you got your talking points from the trash shows and right wing echo chamber you 'Lions Not Sheep' listen to.