

Literotica Guru
Apr 8, 2002
How do you make yourself leave someone you love, that you feel you can't live without, even though you know you're too good for them, and that staying is not healthy, and can only lead to (more) heartbreak?
I know that you didn't mean it literally.. but you can live without someone that you love.

I've ended something with someone whom I loved with everything I had.. because the situation wasn't healthy. I cried more than I smiled.. it wasn't easy but it had to be done.

To simplify it sugar, you just do.
k¡tty said:
I know that you didn't mean it literally.. but you can live without someone that you love.

I've ended something with someone whom I loved with everything I had.. because the situation wasn't healthy. I cried more than I smiled.. it wasn't easy but it had to be done.

To simplify it sugar, you just do.

what she said, to a T.

you wake up and realize that what you must do is RIGHT. And you do that RIGHT thing.

And all the world will fall into its proper place eventually.
You remember everything bad they ever did to you. You write it down in a little black book, and then when you start to remeber "the good times" you whip out the book and read a passage at random. Then you can feel assured in your knowledge that the guy is a fucker not worth your time.
Take a vacation...

Get out of the circle you're in, take a breather so you can think clearly, decide, and go from there.
If you force yourself to leave someone you love, you'll leave a piece of you with them, and until you get the piece back, you'll never be whole. :D
You are getting some good advice...don't need any from me. Ohter than...clear headed thinking gives clear meaning to realtionships. If two are not one...then look for why. change it or walk.
Any extra tips, based on the fact that we live in the same house (separate bedrooms, but same house), and neither of us can afford to move out? We also work at the same place... And of course, go to the same university.
same problem

wow. hey, we're like twins! cuz huney, I so feel your pain.

I've received plenty of advice from friends ranging from what you've just said and up to "you'll feel much better in the end" blah blah blah fishcakes. I see it in a way that right now, you're miserable, right? I mean, you're thinking about leaving a person because something isn't going right in the relationship and either things just don't mesh or you've tried to talk it out but to no avail. You have to tell yourself that you're young, you'll like through this, it's just a stepping stone that you have to cross. Two years from now you'll look back and say to yourself "good grief, why did I stay with so-and-so for so long? I should have had kicked their sorry ass to the curb much sooner". Because really, it's as easy as that. Except not. I know.

It's so hypocritical of me to dish out advice when I'm in the same boat and can't be bothered to take my own advice. Well if I may just put myself out there for the sake of helping a girl out, a big problem of mine has to be about my security. No one wants to be vulnerable, no one would voluntarily put themselves in that kind of situation. I'm not getting out of this relationship because I'm scared to be alone after being in a relationship for so long (3 years, the longest ever for me). I'm scared of regretting my decision. I'm scared of hurting my partner and me by saying "we need to let this go" when he clearly still loves me.

The fact of the matter is, something just isn't working anymore. You have to ask yourself if it's better to stick with this relationship because you've grown accustomed to this person, still harbor deep feelings for them or if it's more of a personal issue that right now, you don't want to deal with (read above paragraph about my dilemma). I think someone had it right on the button when they said that given two options, the first being laid right out in front of you (a rock in your hand, for instance) and the second being the unknown (a closed fist that might be holding a $100 bill, for all we know), people will most definitely will want to go with the unknown, because they're afraid that that might be better than what they know.

In the end, the closed fist is always empty.

It's your call, huney. PM me if you want to discuss this more thoroughly.

P.S. GOOOOOO Canada! :cool:
Oh shit. ummm...heh...wowser. Tough call. Perhaps plan on locating another place and begin to save up as much as you can...or perhaps on campus in a dorm living? Geez. Never had to deal with this before. Not much help...sorry.:(
When I left my ex I just sat myself down and asked myself a really hard qestion: This this how I want to live the rest of my life? The answer was no.

When we are unhappy and in a unhealthy relationship we can't find our way back to happy. We need to work on healthy first. Happy finds us again later. It knows the address.

So far so good for me, but it was very hard.