Suppose I write such a harem story: one main male character (preferably a prince in historical/fantasy settings), a main wife, and a bunch of concubines. Suppose condoms are a thing in that universe despite the historical/fantasy settings. How would you prefer it?
1. He uses condoms with all of them.
2. He uses condoms with everyone except the main wife.
3. He doesn't use a condom with anyone, but still only the main wife bears him children.
4. He doesn't use a condom with anyone, and he gets a bunch of children from various women.
5. He doesn't use a condom with anyone and is still child free.
6. Other.
1. He uses condoms with all of them.
2. He uses condoms with everyone except the main wife.
3. He doesn't use a condom with anyone, but still only the main wife bears him children.
4. He doesn't use a condom with anyone, and he gets a bunch of children from various women.
5. He doesn't use a condom with anyone and is still child free.
6. Other.