How / When to reveal Taboo interests.

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Married Taboo Dude
Oct 2, 2023
I posted this over on the general discussion board but was advised that I may get a more open minded feedback here.

I have a handful of taboo interest that have been with me most my life but I've pretty much kept them from every partner I ever had out of fear that they'd be turned off, think I'm a freak and head for the hills. My taboo interests include incest, threesomes, pregnant, peeing, but how do you open up about those interests with a new or potential partner ? I'm sure there might be women on this site that might be open to them but it's not that easy to introduce these topics to just anyone. I'm very open minded and wish to meet open minded women that share my taboo interests but have never felt comfortable just coming out and saying " Hey let's pretend you're my sister in bed tonight ".
If anyone can relate to what I'm babbling about here I'd love to hear from you. :)
The following is for whoever it was in the general forum that told you to post this here.
I posted this over on the general discussion board but was advised that I may get a more open minded feedback here.

I have a handful of taboo interest that have been with me most my life but I've pretty much kept them from every partner I ever had out of fear that they'd be turned off, think I'm a freak and head for the hills. My taboo interests include incest, threesomes, pregnant, peeing, but how do you open up about those interests with a new or potential partner ? I'm sure there might be women on this site that might be open to them but it's not that easy to introduce these topics to just anyone. I'm very open minded and wish to meet open minded women that share my taboo interests but have never felt comfortable just coming out and saying " Hey let's pretend you're my sister in bed tonight ".
If anyone can relate to what I'm babbling about here I'd love to hear from you. :)
Hi hun,

Some context. There has been, shall we say, a little history of guys looking for sexy female friends here. The assumption is a) you are a woman, b) you write about sex, so c) you must like dick pics.

It’s happened so many times that it’s almost a trope.

This is a forum about writing (and also shit I make up and post, I guess, but primarily writing).

It’s not a hook-up joint. Unless your name is @onehitwanda - then of course it’s a hook-up joint and “your place or mine?”

I posted this over on the general discussion board but was advised that I may get a more open minded feedback here.
If you move to another forum under the pressure of those saying "not here!" "not here!" lemme know. I have a thought.
Once upon a time, you could buy magazines about your particular taboo interests and then have your partner eventually discover them. "That's what I like to read when I masturbate." That way, you could share what fantasies excite you in a low-key way. But I think porn story magazines have gone the way of the VCR. Maybe print out some stories with tags in bold on the top and have your partner find them?
@neci don't push posters here. It's not funny.

This is the user that suggested that OP come here with his question.
Yeah, she's probably too classy to play you. Although she hasn't worked for about 40 years, ever since she died, so she might be open to new kinds of roles.
Hey, she was a Pennsylvania bitch too.

And Dial Z for Zombies 🤣?

It says "Author's Hangout" up top, kiddo - not "Dial A Wench"

The personals section exists for a reason.
My apologies, I thought I originally posted in the correct place, was advised to post here, I guess I followed the wrong advice..
Hi hun,

Some context. There has been, shall we say, a little history of guys looking for sexy female friends here. The assumption is a) you are a woman, b) you write about sex, so c) you must like dick pics.

It’s happened so many times that it’s almost a trope.

This is a forum about writing (and also shit I make up and post, I guess, but primarily writing).

It’s not a hook-up joint. Unless your name is @onehitwanda - then of course it’s a hook-up joint and “your place or mine?”

My apologies, wasn't looking to invade anyones area with my nonsense. Also not making any assumptions or looking to share a dick pic. I outgrew that silliness weeks ago..
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