How to write an personal....

Native Alien

Miss No Tact
Aug 15, 2002
okay so i admit it, i do scope out the personals here on Lit...and this was a question that came up over there. So ladies and gents, how about some things that you would want to see included in a personal ad?

i think for me there would be two things...

a location--not the city, but at least a region of the state. that way an idea would be had by the readers of where the person is.

an email address, because sometimes i can't get the pm system here to work for me.

anyone else have any suggestions?
My comments would be-

Diversity-varied interests other than sex, sex is good, but like the old captian and tenille song, sex won't keep you together.

I agree an email addy is a must, some people hesitate here, but nothing personal can be found from an internet addy so why worry.

Dialogue- Having a AIM client is good, you really get to know someone by interaction. Letters are nice, but IM's are better. This is one set closer to the phone, but not as scary. This way by using yahoo, or say AOL, you can be yourself without getting too close right away.

Pictures- Although we are not perfect individuals, I think initially you must have some sort of chemisty. Whether it is her eyes, her sense of humor, or his laugh. Pictures go a long way to establishing trust. Giving a picture is saying here I am like me or not, exposing that vulerable part of yourself for everyone. To me doing so lets me know you are real, you are open to the other person, and aren't hidding behind something that will later bite you in the ass. I've had many many women lie about looks, and I am very understanding, but you can never expect to ever meet someone if you can't trust your picture to them.

Lastly, you have to make the intial decision in the begining if you ever want to meet someone. If you do, never, and I mean never lie. Lying only harbors deciept, and mistrust. Now you don't have to tell everything about yourself, this is called being on a need to know basis. Lying on the other hand is something you can never talk yourself out of. Like the rhyme says, what a tangled web we weave, we we practice to decieve.

This list is long - very long, in my opinion. But then, I am picky.

But the overriding factor? Marital status! Too many times, guys talk about starlight and roses, and only when they feel they have a woman within their grasp do they then say, "Well, I am somewhat married."

In my opinion, should be the first thing they mention. (But that might just be because I've got a "married man magnet" located under my skin somewhere that I would dearly love to have cut out!)
So would you care to rate mine? click on my profile...:rose:
i want to thank ya'll for taking the time to answer this question. and again thank you for the intelligence shown in the posts.

Blessed Be could you link this to your post at the beginning of the personals here on lit? thank ya.
Hell, I'm worse - I'm actually on one of those internet dating service thingies! It's depressing really, but anyways...

Having read my share of profiles, all I can say is be honest and forward. I could just state that I'm a guy (Wisconsin is implied in my location to the left, below my AV), early 20's, I like sports and computers, and am looking for a woman to hang out with that would be up for some fun, but whose going to find interest with that?

Instead, be honest with conviction. "I'm a 23 year-old dark-skinned (but not balck) male with a decent build. I'm active, work a steady job and enjoy hanging out with friends and going to bars on occassion - although I'm not opposed to staying at home and currling up to a good movie. I enjoy the occassional romp in the bedroom, but lately have been itching to try something more kinky..."

That's what I would write at least. Of course - what you're looking for likely differs. (that's it - I'm updating mine here...)

I wouldn't go into measurements. If the myth is true, how well hung a guy is isn't as important as how good he is in bed. The same applies to women and their proportions - even if you are 36-24-36DD. :) Look at it this way - such things should be a reward for having charmed the other to responding to your ad.

Of course, if I knew what I was looking for, I wouldn't still be on those dating services. Just alerting you to the obvious. ;)