How to produce more Pre-cum


Aug 15, 2013
We LOVE it. I LOVE tasting my own and my wife will feed it to me whenever she can. I will squeeze it out on her nipples or her clit and slowly lick it off which she loves. It's sooooooo damn sexy. Problem is I only produce small amounts, sometimes more, depending on the level of excitement.
Question: Is there a way to produce more? I wish I could just leak it out all over the place.....there really isn't enough for two. Is it possible to produce gobs of it? I sure
hope so.
Any ideas out there that may help would be greatly appreciated...
Thanks in advance.
Oh yes, I do that. I guess I'm looking to produce more naturally. Perhaps there are vitamins, herbs, exercises or practices that help produce more. Edging is a great way to produce it but, in the heat of the moment it's tough to stop there. If I am alone I have more control. Thanks for the input......much appreciated!
Hey Darksider, I took a month on Semenax a few months back. I'd have stayed on it if I had plenty spare cash. It did begin to edge up the quantity of cum and my orgasms were MUCH more intense, but the unexpected side effect was the pre-cum! I had it much earlier in any arousal, sometimes finding the stuff oozing as my pants came down. And it was slightly thicker. Still of course perfectly clear, and delicious. So that might be what you're after if you are content to spend some on herbals.

Hey Darksider, I took a month on Semenax a few months back. I'd have stayed on it if I had plenty spare cash. It did begin to edge up the quantity of cum and my orgasms were MUCH more intense, but the unexpected side effect was the pre-cum! I had it much earlier in any arousal, sometimes finding the stuff oozing as my pants came down. And it was slightly thicker. Still of course perfectly clear, and delicious. So that might be what you're after if you are content to spend some on herbals.


L – Arginine
L – Lysine
Pumpkin seeds

These ingredients can be obtained easily and inexpensively. I haven't heard of pumpkin seeds mentioned WRT sexual health before, but the other three are heavily documented when it comes to improving libido, erections, sperm quality and semen quantity. My husband took L-lysine and zinc (and also selenium) when we were trying to conceive. The zinc in particular definitely increased the quantity of his precum and semen.

Anyhow, instead of spending a bunch of money on a semen supplement, you (and the OP) might want to look into supplementing with reasonable amounts of zinc, and perhaps the other 3 things on the list above. Horny Goat Weed is also well-documented, but it's more expensive, and herbs have far more variables (e.g. plenty of companies use an ineffective part of the plant and there aren't any standards in dosing) than the four substances on the above list. If you can get the results you want safely for a fraction of the cost of something like Semenax, then why not give it a go?
Stay in great shape eat well and have a hot girl with you. The rest will take care of itself.
Prostrate massage...last time she used a vibe in/on me I was leaking precum like crazy
pre cum

Make sure your bladder is completely drained and after so, push like you have to pee, when I do that I have huge amounts come out.
Prostrate massage...last time she used a vibe in/on me I was leaking precum like crazy

Me too. A vibrating dildo massaging my prostate results in gobs of precum. My wife loves to lick it off of the head of my dick. Also when I use an enema before pegging I produce lots of precum.
I don't know if this has anything to do with precum, but it has a lot to do with production of other bodily fluids - drink enough. It won't make much difference but if you drink unusually little it can. Prostate is also well known but I don't know if that has any long term effects or if she'd be willing to just do it at the time. Takes quite a lot of practise.

I'm sorry, I have next to no useful advice. But I want to be subscribed to this thread in the hope you will succeed and then share with me! :cattail:
Slow build up to climax with longer the better makes me produce a lot. As said previously edging is also really good for making the pre cum. But yeah, eat the right foods and stay hydrated as well. Good luck!
Be well hydrated, comfortable and take it slow. Wait ages before even touching your cock. Get close to cumming and then back down again and again and again. It's effective and fun.
Make sure your bladder is completely drained and after so, push like you have to pee, when I do that I have huge amounts come out.

Yes this definatly works for me too. after edging for awhile and you feel that building sensation running up your shaft start pushing and pushing.The first time i discovered this i ended up with 2 different globs of clear fluid the 2nd had alittle creamy white cum mixed in it.The tatse put me over the edge i practily filled my entire palm full of white creamy tasty time i think ill try togo longer.
Yes this definatly works for me too. after edging for awhile and you feel that building sensation running up your shaft start pushing and pushing.The first time i discovered this i ended up with 2 different globs of clear fluid the 2nd had alittle creamy white cum mixed in it.The tatse put me over the edge i practily filled my entire palm full of white creamy tasty time i think ill try togo longer.

So need to see if my boyfriend can do this.
L – Arginine
L – Lysine
Pumpkin seeds

These ingredients can be obtained easily and inexpensively. I haven't heard of pumpkin seeds mentioned WRT sexual health before, but the other three are heavily documented when it comes to improving libido, erections, sperm quality and semen quantity. My husband took L-lysine and zinc (and also selenium) when we were trying to conceive. The zinc in particular definitely increased the quantity of his precum and semen.

Anyhow, instead of spending a bunch of money on a semen supplement, you (and the OP) might want to look into supplementing with reasonable amounts of zinc, and perhaps the other 3 things on the list above. Horny Goat Weed is also well-documented, but it's more expensive, and herbs have far more variables (e.g. plenty of companies use an ineffective part of the plant and there aren't any standards in dosing) than the four substances on the above list. If you can get the results you want safely for a fraction of the cost of something like Semenax, then why not give it a go?

I have been using Zinc for over a year and then about a month ago I started on L Argenine. I am definitely producing more pre-cum and my loads appear to be much bigger. An added benefit is that I am waking up with morning wood and do not need to use viagra or Cialis as much as I previously did. I am 56 and found that before this I struggled to maintain my erection.

My girlfriend started to take it at the same time and she feels that she is getting far wetter than she did before and she is far more sensitive, particularly internally. For the last week, she seems to be able to cum much easier and quicker and feels her orgasms are far more intense.

I have also read that L Argenine and Vit B3 together can also help for more sustained erections.

I would be interested to hear experience from other readers as I am far happier not to be taking prescription meds so regularly.
Never been an issue for me except for perhaps when, on numerous occasions, I've had so much pre-ejaculate that it has soaked through my pants. In my younger years I often got a wet spot just from heavy kissing and petting.

I am (even in my 60's), and always have been, a copious lubricator. In fact there have been times when a partner, male or female, has thought I had already cum because my underwear, genitals...or their hand were so soaked with the slippery Cowper's Fluid (pre-ejac).

Pre-cum is different from semen, as it is produced by the Cowper’s glands (Bulbourethral glands) as opposed to the seminal vesicle, and while there may be some crossover pre-cum rarely carries sperm. The real purpose of the Cowper's fluid is to act as a lubricant for the seminal fluid containing sperm ,which is to follow during ejaculation, along with aiding in neutralizing the acidity of the urine residue left in the urethra which would be harmful to sperm. It also assists in neutralizing the acidity of the vagina along with similar
Bartholin's glands in females which also provide lubrication.

Just as there is no real scientifically documented method, other than real pharmacology, to increase the volume of your ejcaculate, over 70% of which originates in the seminal vesicle (not in your testicles) I don't know that there is any way to increase the volume of your Cowper's fluid either. I have found several scholarly articles on Cowper's overproduction, and decreasing it via finasteride prescription, but really nothing beyond "anecdotal evidence" on increasing it's production via use of dietary supplements, herbs and other "snake oil".
That's a good point, I think all that makes sense, I have been taking Zinc too, and I see the difference

How much of each of these? I have been taking L-Argentine and Zinc for quite some time. Pre-cum volume varies some, but for my age (69), is good enough that I don’t need a lube for solo sessions. What hasn’t increased is my semen volume. It really went down to almost nothing adult 10 years ago when my doctor prescribed “Flomax”. I decided that I would rather ejaculate semen than pee more easily, which, BTW didn’t happen. So I quit the Flomax.
I really envy heavy cummers.
How much of each of these? What hasn’t increased is my semen volume. It really went down to almost nothing adult 10 years ago when my doctor prescribed “Flomax”. I decided that I would rather ejaculate semen than pee more easily, which, BTW didn’t happen. So I quit the Flomax.

Flomax has this effect of producing "retrograde ejaculation." Instead of going out of your dick like God intended, the semen goes into the bladder instead, because the sphincter that normally closes off the bladder is relaxed. The semen is still there, in the normal quantities, but you literally piss it away.

But if your semen production is lower after you quit the Flomax, well, I think that's just the aging process. In my youth, I could cum in buckets, but in the past few years it's been a lot less.
How much of each of these? I have been taking L-Argentine (500 mg) and Zinc (50 mg) Maca (500 mg)for quite some time. Pre-cum volume varies some, but for my age (69), is good enough that I don’t need a lube for solo sessions. What hasn’t increased is my semen volume. It really went down to almost nothing adult 10 years ago when my doctor prescribed “Flomax”. I decided that I would rather ejaculate semen than pee more easily, which, BTW didn’t happen. So I quit the Flomax.
I really envy heavy cummers.

I have been taking L-Argentine (500 mg) and Zinc (50 mg) Maca (500 mg)for quite some time.