How to make this really happen?


Literotica Guru
Mar 4, 2007
How to get my wife to allow me to have sex with her GF?

My wife and her friend were chatting about sex. Her friend tells her she's really in need and needs it soon. My wife tells her, "so does my husband". She even went on to tell her I had a big penis (not huge, but 7" isn't too bad).

Now my wife even told me about the conversation. When I told her, sure I could fill your friend, she didn't even bat an eye, just smiled.

I said I was kidding, but the thought she was trying to hook me up had me really hard. Even showed her the bulge in my pants with a huge wet spot.

So anyway, any advise on how I can get this to really happen?
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Maybe your wife just wanted to tease you and get you hard for herself? Or to see if you're the type who might stray?
This doesn't sound like it's going to happen. I vote passing comment.

I don't think so. She told me to at least chat on line with her to see if we click. She said maybe we could open things up to make things more exciting. Thought this was all because she was turned on, but after we finished (2x) she still wanted me too.

She also let me know, there was a guy at work who asked her to sleep with him. She didn't, but asked if I would mind. I said I didn't.

Anyway and interesting day. IF nothing else came of it at least we had fun tonight.
Sounds to me as if she is wanting to "cheat" and thought if she could get you to fuck somebody else and you had an open marriage then she could screw the guy at work guilt free. My 2 cents...
This seems straight forward. She wants to fuck her co-worker. Fixing you up to fuck her friend evens things out. In theory, a win-win situation, though often a can of worms.

Get yourself over to her friends, asap. Any excuse will work. Have you wife tell your friend to loosen up a light bulb, and then she will send you over to "fix things". Your wife should emphasis that you will make your move when you see her friend "dressed" for easy sexual access, e.g. halter and mini, long shirt no panties, naked under a robe. etc.

Make her friend as happy as you possibly can. After you wife has her fling, you may need to go back to cry on her shoulder.

Also think about the MFM, FMF, or MFMF combinations you and you wife can have by inviting her friend and/or coworker.
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This seems straight forward. She wants to fuck her co-worker. Fixing you up to fuck her friend evens things out. In theory, a win-win situation, though often a can of worms.

Get yourself over to her friends, asap. Any excuse will work. Have you wife tell your friend to loosen up a light bulb, and then she will send you over to "fix things". Your wife should emphasis that you will make your move when you see her friend "dressed" for easy sexual access, e.g. halter and mini, or naked under a robe.

Make her friend as happy as you possibly can. After you wife has her fling, you may need to go back to cry on her shoulder.

Also think about the MFM, FMF, or MFMF combinations you and you wife can have by inviting her friend and/or coworker.

I think the open idea came before the guy asked her to fuck him though. We'll see.
if it is something you're interested in, i suggest you talk about it a lot. decide if there are any rules, consider the consequences... it sounds to me like she is looking to set you up so she can be with someone else. i'd do a little thinking on that and decide if you really think you are ok with it. obviously a lot of fun could be had but it may also cause problems.
thank you all for the advise. :) I will discuss more with the wife and get back to you:kiss:
She is pushing you toward her friend because she is interested in following through with the proposition made toward her or maybe she has actually already followed through on it?

Yep, some serious talking needs to be done between your wife and yourself.

I much prefer spontaneous events. There was never any "who planned this and why" it was just spur of the moment fun.

Your writing points to each of you heading out separately. Why not play together? Why not just introduce your wife's workmate to her friend?

You should be very clear of all motives behind this situation. If your wife really wants to play with her work colleague on her own - how are you with that?

By the way, serious foolish idea for a married person to have sex with a work colleague.

Organise a dinner party with the two other people. Just let the evening flow. Conversation is bound to come round to sex at some stage since this appears to be strongly on your wife's mind at present. Don't try to push the situation.
From previous threads, your are not getting sex from your wife. Married man who's not getting any.

So why would your wife push you into the arms of her girl friend?

Escape plan:

1. Find new boyfriend.
....[x] Coworker recruited.

2. Get hubby together with another woman.
....[x] Introduction done.

3. Set up divorce.
....[ ] Catch Hubby in bed with other woman
....[ ] File for divorce, take everything as the wronged party.

4. Move in with new boyfriend.
....[ ] Live happy ever after until ready to repeat.
From previous threads, your are not getting sex from your wife. Married man who's not getting any.

So why would your wife push you into the arms of her girl friend?

Escape plan:

1. Find new boyfriend.
....[x] Coworker recruited.

2. Get hubby together with another woman.
....[x] Introduction done.

3. Set up divorce.
....[ ] Catch Hubby in bed with other woman
....[ ] File for divorce, take everything as the wronged party.

4. Move in with new boyfriend.
....[ ] Live happy ever after until ready to repeat.

I think you are are very wrong, my wife doesn't play games. She is a straight shooter. We have been together 15 years and married 11. About taking everything, we have nothing. Bothe have jobs, but she actually makes more $$.

I trust my wife, she trusts me. I know she hasn't cheated, she is a terrible Liar. I appreciate the advice, but I think you are wrong.
The puzzle pieces don't seem to fit together. You're not getting sex from the wife but she proposes you fuck her friend while she fucks her other friend? Why doesn't she just fuck you and skip the friends altogether? If she's not interested in sex with you then why would she be interested in sex with another guy? I guess if you use a hammer and some scissors you can make the pieces fit.
The puzzle pieces don't seem to fit together. You're not getting sex from the wife but she proposes you fuck her friend while she fucks her other friend? Why doesn't she just fuck you and skip the friends altogether? If she's not interested in sex with you then why would she be interested in sex with another guy? I guess if you use a hammer and some scissors you can make the pieces fit.

We enjoy sex together, just not enough for me. She wants to make me happy. As for the friend, he came on to her and ask if she would fuck him for a B-Day gift. She said no, but last night she told me and I was very turned on.

Before she mentioned this, she got so turned on by the fact Iwanted to fuck her friend. I wasn't expecting sex last night, since she works early in the morning, yet we fucked 2 times and it was amazing.

during and after we discussed the open relationship. If I wasn't so tired I would have taken her again.

Oh well, its complicated.
This seems straight forward. She wants to fuck her co-worker. Fixing you up to fuck her friend evens things out. In theory, a win-win situation, though often a can of worms.

Get yourself over to her friends, asap. Any excuse will work. Have you wife tell your friend to loosen up a light bulb, and then she will send you over to "fix things". Your wife should emphasis that you will make your move when you see her friend "dressed" for easy sexual access, e.g. halter and mini, long shirt no panties, naked under a robe. etc.

Make her friend as happy as you possibly can. After you wife has her fling, you may need to go back to cry on her shoulder.

Also think about the MFM, FMF, or MFMF combinations you and you wife can have by inviting her friend and/or coworker.

Ditto all this. Sounds like the wife is trying to orchestrate some swapping but maybe had difficulty coming right out and saying it. However, be careful. She could also be setting you up if there's any chance she's looking to get out of your marriage and needs "grounds" like adultery. If your marriage is really on solid ground, I'd talk to your wife first to see if she's really looking to open up to outside sexual adventures. If she is, she should be willing to admit it and you guys can set rules. All this game playing and talking around things sounds a bit high schoolish. If it's what she wants, what you want, what her girl friend wants, and what the coworker wants, then call a spade a spade and move on with it. Just know that once the genie is out of the bottle, it could be tough going back.
Sounds to me as if she is wanting to "cheat" and thought if she could get you to fuck somebody else and you had an open marriage then she could screw the guy at work guilt free. My 2 cents...

Except, if they've both agreed to that it's not cheating.

By the way, serious foolish idea for a married person to have sex with a work colleague.

Yeah, that has some big risks attached and I would be reluctant to go there.

That aside: poly/open arrangements can work very well, as long as you're honest with one another and avoid unpleasant surprises. Make sure you're both on the same page about what is and isn't OK, and don't forget to talk safe-sex stuff.
After discussing this again, we have decided to give this a try. I have asked her friend out on a date, just a drink. We will take this one step at a time.

As for my wife and her work mate, they no longer work together, but are still friends. I know its hard to believe, but I know she has done nothing.

I think if we take it slow, we could really enjoy ourselves. I know if she sleeps with this man, I will ask if she will have him join us. I will also ask if her friend can join us too.

We all make choices in life that could be good or bad. We have never been the game playing type, we say what's on our mind. The one thing that has happened is a stalling in our sex life. All this talk has sparked something in her. She is no longer sleeping at 7:30pm. If the only thing to come of this is a better sex life for us, then WooHoo.

We both love each other very much. I will let you know what happens.

I do want to tank everyone for their thoughts and concerns.
Good luck jays, and whatever happens, keep us posted. The more details about the sex, the better. :D
I will ask if she will have him join us. I will also ask if her friend can join us too.

This is where you should start if you are going to head down this path. Play together first or always play together. Separate dates have the potential to cause far more problems.