How to make men experience labour pain

I saw that on one of my crap sites today. Didn't watch it, but thought about it.
Interesting. They finally stopped laughing after the first hour and "accepted" their pain. The problem with the accepting your pain theory is after 40 hours of labor you're begging the docs to knock you out.
Interesting. My friend told me about this and I didn't know how much to believe. We were discussing period pain, and she said that men would never be able to put up with it. Maybe she was right...
I saw this the other day. One guy couldn't even last the full two hours. :rolleyes:
I'm sure you gals have it rough but try a heart attack.. That is some real pain..
Kidney Stones

I hear passing kidney stone is very close to labor. That was from a woman too.
That's how I feel every time the Patriots go to a Superbowl.
Hilarious. Love to see them at the end of 26 hours.

I wish there was a "like" function for a post! 2 hrs is nothing when it comes to labour, and he had the option to turn off. Once a baby is coming, you simply don't have that option!
I realize that some pain isn't equal to all pain.

but after having issues with my digestive system and having varying levels of chest pain everyday for 5 years i've realized that sometimes it really doesn't matter what certain ppl can put up with or handle because either way it differs per person, but it sucks just the same.
I realize that some pain isn't equal to all pain.

but after having issues with my digestive system and having varying levels of chest pain everyday for 5 years i've realized that sometimes it really doesn't matter what certain ppl can put up with or handle because either way it differs per person, but it sucks just the same.

Having pain on a daily basis sucks, it becomes debilitating. A smaller amount of pain has greater impact because it is constant (((big hugs)))
This is an 'empathy belly' to make young men try to understand late pregnancy.
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I know more women with several children than I know guys who play sports without a cup.
I think y'all are exaggerating a wee bit much, otherwise who the hell would go back for a second child? :rolleyes:

(runs away from the mob of torches & pitchforks :) )
I know more women with several children than I know guys who play sports without a cup.
I think y'all are exaggerating a wee bit much, otherwise who the hell would go back for a second child? :rolleyes:

(runs away from the mob of torches & pitchforks :) )

You didn't watch the video then? One bloke couldn't even take an hour.
The desire to procreate is genetically hardwired into the majority of people, the desire to play football isn't!
I know more women with several children than I know guys who play sports without a cup.
I think y'all are exaggerating a wee bit much, otherwise who the hell would go back for a second child? :rolleyes:

(runs away from the mob of torches & pitchforks :) )

(keep running... :))

Why the second child?
The illusion it won't be so bad second time round?

Knowing one has survived the first time and will be able to do so again?

The reward...
Not the ring with the amethyst, but that warm human bundle at the start of its life...
I agree. The thing that makes labour and contractions doable is that you know there is an end point eventually.

Exactly. Finite amount of pain with (hopefully) a wonderful ending.

Kidney stones or gall stones, etc....all it is is pain, pain, pain and the delirious relief when morphine kicks in.
Please can they hook every partner of a pregnant woman up to that? That was hilarious!

Hugs for all the people who do have chronic pain with no little bundle of joy at the end! I think it's oxytocin that your body releases once you see the baby, and that makes the last however many hours worth it.