How to have a convo with my boyfriend about improving the taste of his cum


Aug 22, 2012
Okay so here's the deal. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 5 months and we're still in the "getting comfortable with you" stage. I'll be honest not many women may feel the same way but I really like going down on him. I think the response I get when I do that is sexy and he of course absolutely loves it when I do. However, I'm running into a problem....his semen tastes extremely strong. Naturally do to the alkalinity of semen I expect this to a degree but its to the point where I cant swallow on him because it tastes so bad. I've done my research on this and how to make it taste better and it says to basically have a balanced diet and to eat more fruits and vegetables. If there's one thing my boyfriend lacks its a balanced diet. I am vegetarian, inspiring vegan. He is not, and probably never will be, I am totally accepting and okay with that. I'm just not sure how to bring up the issue. I don't want to hurt his feelings or offend him in any way but the truth is if he improved his diet then his semen would start tasting better and I would swallow on him which I know for a fact that he loves...what man doesn't? So I'm curious to hear if any one is having a similar issue and how they dealt with it.

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Promise him more blowjobs than he gets now if he drinks loads of pineapple juice.
You could mention that in the course of your dietary research, you've come across articles that discuss how certain foods affect the taste of bodily fluids. Suggest a collaborative approach where you both consume more of the desired foods in order to taste the best you can for each other. If he has even two working brain cells, he should be able to pick up on the implication that the better he tastes, the quality of the oral he receives is likely to improve.
If his semen taste strong simply get him to drink more water and less caffeine.
Otherwise just push him to the back of your throat when he cums - solves all issues.

I've tried fruits etc (not because I don't like the taste of cum, hell I'd drink it in pints) but because, well - why not? And to be honest the difference has been so slim I wouldn't bother (and trust me I've swallowed a lot of his cum over the years).
Fruits do have a benefit, however they only work when the man actually has a balanced good diet. Since that only happens when he's gay:rolleyes: let's talk about what does help without screwing his eating over.

Smokers tastes really bad and there's nothing you can do besides smoke with him. Drinkers taste pretty bad but if you sweeten his beer with something like well pineapple might actually be a good one it will be better.

I'd talk about cutting back on meats but well guy thing. Instead, what you want to do is cut back on his consumption of fast food and candies. Yeah candies sounds wrong because it's sugar but well candies make him taste bad. Candies is something of a not happening if he eats them however, fast food you can get rid of by making him lunch.

Now if you don't live with him, at five months I rather expect you don't, you are kinda stuck putting up with it. Now talking to him about these foods affect his taste poorly might actually work. The problem is he probably won't actually stick with it until you are living with him. Out of sight out of mind is such an apt phrase with guys. :rolleyes:
Look up an article about making semen taste differently and say you found this article and you'd be interested in experimenting to see if it's true. :)
Okay so here's the deal. My boyfriend and I have been together for a little over 5 months and we're still in the "getting comfortable with you" stage. I'll be honest not many women may feel the same way but I really like going down on him. I think the response I get when I do that is sexy and he of course absolutely loves it when I do. However, I'm running into a problem....his semen tastes extremely strong. Naturally do to the alkalinity of semen I expect this to a degree but its to the point where I cant swallow on him because it tastes so bad. I've done my research on this and how to make it taste better and it says to basically have a balanced diet and to eat more fruits and vegetables. If there's one thing my boyfriend lacks its a balanced diet. I am vegetarian, inspiring vegan. He is not, and probably never will be, I am totally accepting and okay with that. I'm just not sure how to bring up the issue. I don't want to hurt his feelings or offend him in any way but the truth is if he improved his diet then his semen would start tasting better and I would swallow on him which I know for a fact that he loves...what man doesn't? So I'm curious to hear if any one is having a similar issue and how they dealt with it.


Tell him the truth. He's already offending you with his bad taste.
What about women, doesn't it work both ways?
What about women, doesn't it work both ways?

I heard that it does.

Now This is just my opinion. you say your a vegetarian and he is not. I think what your tasting is the "meat" that he eats and it doesnt agree with you. I know this sounds crazy.

If i eat something sweet, ive been told i taste sweet. Ive heard garlic changes the taste of both men and women. Drinking grapefuit will help him and maybe he can cut out meat say the night before you are to see him.

You could try some of that good head lube that has flavor. It may help when he does cum and you will "taste" the lube and not so much the saltiness that i suspect your tasting from his meat eatting.

My love drinks ALOT of coffee and his tastes a little bitter like coffee to me. I dont drink coffee but it doesnt bother me very much.

Hope this helps.
All good advice and it is indeed also true that what women eat and drink affect their taste too. I had a lady friend that was a smoker (I'm not) and her pussy had a distinct taste and smell of tobacco.

I think the key is indeed that you are a vegetarian and he is not. I remember once reading an article about how vegetarians can often smell meat in the sweat of non-vegetarians. It's also true with other cultures that eat one thing or another like curry or lots of fish etc. We are indeed what we eat. I've heard that the pineapple helps. Whatever you do, don't let him eat asparagas or at least don't blow him for a couple of days afterward. Truly skunky.
One day while my boyfriend was playing video games and I randomly said "Did you know citrus fruits like pineapple make cum taste sweeter?" That caught his interest. "Also, did you know soda makes it bitter?" He looked at me for about 10 seconds and said "Does this mean if I eat more pineapple you'll swallow more often?"

And there was no turning back. haha Try it that way and see what happens. If they think they came up with the idea, they'll be more apt to do it.
If you tell a guy that doing something (ANYTHING) will make him taste better and you will swallow him more offten, he will do it. Hell you could tell me washing dishes and dusting made me taste better and I would be a house cleaning fool!

Don't worry about how to bring up the subject. Guys have no problems jumping into sex talk with no lead in. We all have ADD anyway.
Mostly what everyone has said. I hear pineapple and citrus fruit helps a bit, and the smoking and drinking contributes to bad tasting spunk.
The other thing I read or heard about a while back was zinc. I'm just not sure if it helped with taste per se, but I think it improved consistency and maybe size of "deposit".
Maybe somebody who has taken, or is with someone who takes zinc supplements can comment further.

As to the thread subject - Just tell him. Be nice about it, and handle things the same as you'd like similar news brought to you. But tell him. Oral negotiations that will lead to improved oral negotiations.

If you don't, you'll get to the point where you just won't enjoy, or want to do it anymore. And as someone pointed out above, what better motivation could a guy need to eat a bit more fruit and few less onion rings, and cut back on the smokes.

If you can't find a way to discuss his cum and how it tastes on your tongue and the back of your throat, how are you going to handle the more serious issues in your developing relationship, like anal sex and the Kinbaku book in your nightstand drawer.:p

Good luck. Your boyfriend should consider himself fortunate to have a partner as considerate as yourself. I'm sure there are a few guys on here who'd eat a pineapple a day if it meant regular hummers with swallowed endings.
I know that many vegetarians/vegans have this problem because their taste buds are more sensitive than meat eaters. It's one of the many reasons they don't date meat eaters. Read a vegetarian/vegan forum when you're bored..this topic comes up all the time.
I love pineapple, and whenever a girl swallows me, she gets turned on more when it is sweet and she wants to do it more..
If you tell a guy that doing something (ANYTHING) will make him taste better and you will swallow him more offten, he will do it. Hell you could tell me washing dishes and dusting made me taste better and I would be a house cleaning fool!

I think there may be a lot of wive's out there plotting how to do less housework. The ones who actually enjoy sucking cock will surely have an edge on those who don't. Let's see......vacuum living room in exchange for a blowjob.....sounds like a deal.